February 6, 2014
Action: Opens smelt fishing in the Cowlitz River.
Species affected: Eulachon smelt.
Effective dates: Open Saturdays only from Feb. 8 through March 1 (4 days).
Open hours: 6:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. (noon) (6-hour periods).
Location: Cowlitz River (bank only).
Daily Limit: 10-pound daily limit. Possession limit is equal to one daily limit.
Gear: Dip net.
Reason for action: The regulations are consistent with a reduced Level One fishery as described in the "Washington and Oregon Eulachon Management Plan" for the Columbia River. Returns of eulachon to the Columbia River have improved since 2011, with a very large return in 2013. The minimal fishing season adopted is expected to harvest less than 1% of the total run size forecasted for 2014. The fishery serves as an important test fishery to monitor run strength and timing and to collect biological data.
Information contact: Region 5 Office (360) 696-6211
Species affected: Eulachon smelt.
Effective dates: Open Saturdays only from Feb. 8 through March 1 (4 days).
Open hours: 6:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. (noon) (6-hour periods).
Location: Cowlitz River (bank only).
Daily Limit: 10-pound daily limit. Possession limit is equal to one daily limit.
Gear: Dip net.
Reason for action: The regulations are consistent with a reduced Level One fishery as described in the "Washington and Oregon Eulachon Management Plan" for the Columbia River. Returns of eulachon to the Columbia River have improved since 2011, with a very large return in 2013. The minimal fishing season adopted is expected to harvest less than 1% of the total run size forecasted for 2014. The fishery serves as an important test fishery to monitor run strength and timing and to collect biological data.
Information contact: Region 5 Office (360) 696-6211