November 3, 2023
Action: Allows for retention of chum salmon in Carr Inlet.
Effective date: Immediately through Dec. 7, 2023.
Species affected: Chum salmon.
Location and rules:
Marine Area 13 waters of Carr Inlet northerly of a line projected from Penrose Point (47°15’53.6”N, 122°44’11.5”W) to Green Point (47°16’55.2”N, 122°41’41.8”W):
- Immediately through Dec. 7, 2023: Salmon daily limit is two (2). Chinook minimum size is 22 inches. Other salmon species no minimum size. Release wild coho and wild Chinook.
Reason for action: Co-managers have agreed to limited harvest opportunity in this area due to the low risk of negatively impacting natural stocks returning to South Sound. Chum salmon will be included as part of the daily limit for salmon in Marine Area 13.
Additional Information: Waters of Marine Area 13 not covered above (which include waters surrounding Anderson Island, around the mouth of the Nisqually River and all other inlets) remain under rules listed in the 2023-24 Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet and require release of chum salmon.
Please see the 2023/24 Washington State Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet for current season information and be sure to check for any emergency rule changes prior to fishing. Consider downloading the Fish Washington mobile app or signing up for fishery changes at email notification through WDFW Regulation Updates.
Information contact: Fish Program, 360-902-2700.