August 2, 2018
Removes selective gear rule.
Allows the use of bait.
Allows the use of one line with up to two single point barbless hooks.
Effective date: One hour before official sunrise on Aug. 4 through one hour after official sunset on Sept. 30, 2018.
Species affected: Summer chinook salmon.
Location: Entiat River from the mouth (railroad bridge) to boundary marker/markers located approximately 1,500 feet upstream of the upper Roaring Creek Road Bridge (immediately downstream of the Entiat National Fish Hatchery).
Reason for action: Improve anglers' effectiveness at removing hatchery-origin summer chinook from the spawning grounds in an effort to reduce interactions with endangered spring chinook farther upstream.
Additional information: All other rules (e.g., daily limit, min. size, night closure, etc.) for the Entiat River as described in the 2018-2019 Sport Fishing Rules Pamphlet still apply. Click on the following link for complete details (
Information contact: Region 2-Ephrata, (509) 754-4624 or Wenatchee, (509) 662-0452.
Removes selective gear rule.
Allows the use of bait.
Allows the use of one line with up to two single point barbless hooks.
Effective date: One hour before official sunrise on Aug. 4 through one hour after official sunset on Sept. 30, 2018.
Species affected: Summer chinook salmon.
Location: Entiat River from the mouth (railroad bridge) to boundary marker/markers located approximately 1,500 feet upstream of the upper Roaring Creek Road Bridge (immediately downstream of the Entiat National Fish Hatchery).
Reason for action: Improve anglers' effectiveness at removing hatchery-origin summer chinook from the spawning grounds in an effort to reduce interactions with endangered spring chinook farther upstream.
Additional information: All other rules (e.g., daily limit, min. size, night closure, etc.) for the Entiat River as described in the 2018-2019 Sport Fishing Rules Pamphlet still apply. Click on the following link for complete details (
Information contact: Region 2-Ephrata, (509) 754-4624 or Wenatchee, (509) 662-0452.