September 29, 2010
Action: Closes lower Quilcene River for fishing.
Effective Dates: Oct. 2 through Oct. 31, 2010.
Species affected: All species.
Location: Quilcene River from mouth to the electric weir at Quilcene National Fish Hatchery.
Reason for action: The coho run is low and the hatchery has not collected enough fish to meet egg-take goals.
Other Information: The river will re-open if egg-take needs are met.
Information contacts: Thom Johnson, district biologist, 360-765-3979
Effective Dates: Oct. 2 through Oct. 31, 2010.
Species affected: All species.
Location: Quilcene River from mouth to the electric weir at Quilcene National Fish Hatchery.
Reason for action: The coho run is low and the hatchery has not collected enough fish to meet egg-take goals.
Other Information: The river will re-open if egg-take needs are met.
Information contacts: Thom Johnson, district biologist, 360-765-3979