September 24, 2003
Action: Four beaches open to razor clam digging on evening tides September 26 through September 28, 2003.
Effective Date: Effective 12::01 p.m. September 26 through 11:59 p.m. September 28, 2003.
Species affected: Razor clams
Long Beach - from North Head to Leadbetter Point on the Long Beach Peninsula.
Twin Harbors - from the South Jetty at the mouth of Grays Harbor south to the mouth of Willapa Bay.
Copalis Beach - which extends from the Grays Harbor North Jetty to the Copalis River and includes the ocean Shores, Oyhut, Ocean City and Copalis areas.
Kalalock Beach - from the south beach campground to Brown?s Point (just south of Beach Trail 3) in the Olympic National Park.
Reason for action: Department of Health marine toxin tests confirmed the clams at Long Beach, Twin Harbors Copalis and Kalaloch are safe to eat.
Other information: Harvesters may take no more than 15 razor clams and must keep the first 15 taken, regardless of size or condition. Each digger's limit must be kept in a separate container.
Information contact: Dan Ayres, (360) 249-4628
Effective Date: Effective 12::01 p.m. September 26 through 11:59 p.m. September 28, 2003.
Species affected: Razor clams
Long Beach - from North Head to Leadbetter Point on the Long Beach Peninsula.
Twin Harbors - from the South Jetty at the mouth of Grays Harbor south to the mouth of Willapa Bay.
Copalis Beach - which extends from the Grays Harbor North Jetty to the Copalis River and includes the ocean Shores, Oyhut, Ocean City and Copalis areas.
Kalalock Beach - from the south beach campground to Brown?s Point (just south of Beach Trail 3) in the Olympic National Park.
Reason for action: Department of Health marine toxin tests confirmed the clams at Long Beach, Twin Harbors Copalis and Kalaloch are safe to eat.
Other information: Harvesters may take no more than 15 razor clams and must keep the first 15 taken, regardless of size or condition. Each digger's limit must be kept in a separate container.
Information contact: Dan Ayres, (360) 249-4628