We are no longer accepting submissions for the '25 cover photo contest.
The theme for the 2025 Spring Regulation Cover Photo Contest is "Hunting Together". We celebrate how turkey hunting brings companions and loved ones from all ages and walks of life together. Share your captivating photos showcasing the camaraderie and connection of turkey hunting for a chance to be featured in next year's regulations pamphlet.
Photo ideas for this theme include learning to hunt with a mentor, celebrating a grandchild’s first harvest, gathering with friends at hunting camp, enjoying a wild turkey meal with family, soaking in a sunrise with a hunting partner, or any other aspect of turkey hunting that brings people together.
While you are out hunting and snapping photos, please be aware of the requirements for submission:
- Must show only legal activity (no baiting, no electronic decoys, appropriate hunter orange or pink in the fall, etc.).
- Must not have derogatory language or private advertising on clothing (e.g. private hunt clubs).
- Must not have hunting felony or any gross misdemeanor fish and wildlife convictions in the past three years.
- Must be print quality resolution (minimum 300dpi).
- Photo must be appropriate (minimal blood etc.).
- Submit your photo(s) using the form below and provide a background story for your photo (i.e., who, what, when, where, how).