Nahcotta Tidelands

WDFW Beach Season Information

Oysters seasons OPEN for harvest year-round.
Clam and mussel seasons CLOSED for harvest year-round. 

This beach is the state-owned tidelands east of the WDFW Willapa Bay Field Station and Nahcotta Tidelands interpretive site. 

WDFW shellfish seasons indicate the specific times of year when harvesting is permitted. Before heading to the beach, please also check the Department of Health (DOH) information below which is related to health of the shellfish and may be updated daily. To harvest on this beach, it must be both during the WDFW approved season and approved by the DOH.

Harvest profile

Located east of the Nahcotta Tidelands Interpretive Site and the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife Willapa Bay Field Station. This site contains 40 acres of tidelands. Oysters are plentiful in this location. 


Follow Sandridge Road north to the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife's Nahcotta Tidelands Interpretive Site in Nahcotta.


Parking is available at the Interpretive Site.

Nearest boat launch is located at Port of Peninsula accessed via 275th Street in Nahcotta. Crabbing is allowed off the docks and parking is available on site, but there is no public camping allowed at this site.


Sanitary facilities and access to tidelands are provided at  the Interpretive Site.

Fun facts

For additional information call WDFW Region 6 headquarters (360) 249-4628 or Pacific County Department of Community Development (360) 875-9356.