Shillapoo North Wildlife Area Unit
The approximately 2,420 acres Shillapoo Wildlife Area, located within the floodplain of the Columbia River in Clark County, is managed as three separate units. Annual flooding and scouring, which formed the area's topography, has been substantially reduced due to hydropower, irrigation, and flood control projects upstream. The area is currently a mix of agricultural land and developed pasture intermixed with fragmented pieces of natural habitat of varying quality. Himalayan blackberry and Reed canary grass are two exotic plants limiting habitat quality in almost all habitat types. Sharecrop and grazing agreements with local farmers and ranchers have been used to maintain habitat for migrating and wintering waterfowl and Sandhill cranes. Corn and small grains are left standing for forage. Eventually these agricultural lands will be restored to wetland habitat.
As a major wintering area for waterfowl in the Pacific Flyway, the Shillapoo Wildlife Area supports Canada geese, mallards, and other dabbling ducks. Bald eagles nest in adjoining areas and can be present in significant numbers on the wildlife area, particularly in winter. Sandhill cranes use the wildlife area and surrounding lands primarily as a staging area during the fall and spring, but a few will over-winter in the area.
Other supported species include mink, great blue heron, black-capped chickadee, western meadowlark, and yellow warbler. Listed salmonids found in the Columbia River, Lake River, and Vancouver Lake adjacent to the wildlife area lands include lower Columbia Coho, Chinook salmon, Columbia River Chum salmon, Snake River Sockeye, and Steelhead. Shillapoo is also within the historic range of the Columbian white-tailed deer and western pond turtle (both state endangered) and is considered potential habitat for both species. By actively managing lands, restoring habitats, and preserving wild places, the department serves as stewards for Washington's natural places, protecting the state's land and water for its human and wildlife populations.
Wildlife area units
Management planning
2006 Shillapoo Wildlife Area Management Plan
Every eight to 10 years, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) revises management plans for each of its 33 wildlife areas to document current conditions, address new agency initiatives, and identify new management priorities and actions. In between those major revisions, WDFW updates plans every two years to outline short-term objectives and accomplishments. In 2014, WDFW began the process of updating existing plans, many of which were written in 2006. The new plans are being developed with significant public participation and input.