Published: January 2007
Pages: 33
Author(s): Scott F. Pearson, Cyndie Sundstrom (WDFW), Kirsten Brennan, and Marie Fernandez (USFWS)
During the 2006 Western Snowy Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus) nesting season, we monitored breeding phenology, nesting success, fledging success and the number of nesting adult plovers in Washington. In addition, we used occupancy models to determine the number of site visits needed to have a high probability of detecting plovers should they be present. Finally, we examine detectability issues and sources of bias associated with our adult population estimates and make recommendations for future surveys and research.
Suggested citation
Pearson, S.F., C. Sundstrom, K. Brennan, and M. Fernandez. 2007. Snowy Plover Distribution, Abundance and Reproductive Success: 2006 Research Progress Report. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Wildlife Science Division, Olympia.