Published: December 1995
Pages: 87
Author(s): Eric M. Larsen, Elizabeth Rodrick, and Ruth Milner, Technical Editors
Management Recommendations for Washington's Priority Species, Volume I: Invertebrates is the first in a series of volumes containing species management recommendations, and includes most terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates on the Priority Habitats and Species (PHS) List. Each account within this volume provides information on the species' geographic distribution, State status, and the rationale for its inclusion on the PHS List. The habitat requirements and limiting factors for each species are discussed, and management recommendations, based on the best available science, are provided. Each species document includes a bibliography of the literature used for its development, and each has a key points section, which summarizes the habitat requirements and management recommendations for the species. This volume also includes an appendix of contacts (State, Federal and private) to use when evaluating pesticides and their alternatives. Many invertebrate species are sensitive to pesticides in their environment, and each situation where pesticide application is being considered should be evaluated carefully on a case-by-case basis.
Suggested citation
Larsen, E.M., E. Rodrick, and R. Milner, eds. 1995. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia. 82pp.