Published: December 1999
Pages: 24
Publication number: FPT 99-13
Author(s): Marc Divens and Larry Phillips
Jumpoff Joe Lake is a small body of water located in Stevens County, northwest of Spokane. Grouse Creek is the only major inlet to the lake. Jumpoff Joe Creek is an intermittent outlet which drains northwest to the Colville River. Lake access is good, with one private resort and a Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) owned and operated boat launch. Development on the lake is relatively low. Approximately 25% of the shoreline has been developed as resort and residential property. However, the majority of the land surrounding the lake is agricultural and used for farming or ranching (Bob Peck, WDFW, personal communication).
Historically the lake has provided some challenges for fishery managers. Aquatic vegetation grows to the surface in many areas. The lake was rehabilitated in 1958, 1962, and 1964 to remove unwanted pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus). Although the treatment in 1964 was successful at removing unwanted pumpkinseed sunfish, the lake was rehabilitated again in 1970 to remove goldfish (Carassios auratus). The 1970 rehabilitation failed to completely remove goldfish from Jumpoff Joe Lake and they remain a problem today. Since 1977 Jumpoff Joe Lake has been managed as a mixed species lake (Duff et al. 1977). During the 1990's, Jumpoff Joe Lake has been annually stocked with catchable size eastern brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and brown trout (Salmo trutta). Additionally, some brown trout and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) brood fish were stocked.
The physical characteristics of Jumpoff Joe Lake make it well suited for warmwater fish. Therefore, WDFW Warmwater Enhancement Program personnel conducted a survey in September 1998 to evaluate the current warmwater fish community in the lake.