Published: August 2000
Pages: 24
Publication number: FPT 00-30
Author(s): Marc Divens and Larry Phillips
Powerline Lake (Franklin County) was surveyed by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Warmwater Enhancement Program personnel August 24-25, 1998. Survey methods included boat electrofishing, gill netting, and fyke netting. Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) accounted for the highest proportion of the catch by weight and number. Black crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus) and brown bullhead catfish (Ameiurus nebulosus) densities were lower. Population indices for largemouth bass indicated a crowded population composed of many fish less than quality length (> 300 mm and < 380 mm) with below average condition. No largemouth bass greater than quality length were sampled. Yellow perch showed a higher proportion of quality length fish (> 200 mm and < 250 mm) and above average growth. The relatively few black crappie and brown bullhead sampled allowed only limited interpretation of population indices for these species. However, the black crappie sampled had above average condition and growth. Management options include taking advantage of the current state of the fish community and managing the lake to promote panfish angling opportunities for quality yellow perch and black crappie, as well as abundant stock length largemouth bass (> 200 mm) or adopting a 12-17 inch slot-limit for largemouth bass if a quality catch and release bass fishery is desired.