Published: December 6, 2006
Pages: 11
Author(s): Alex Uber
This report summarizes work accomplished on the Sunnyside Wildlife Area (SWA) to correct fish passage barriers and non-compliant surface water diversions identified in the Sunnyside Wildlife Area Fish Retrofit (SWAFR) report, (WDFW, October 2002). This report is a continuation of the effort to bring WDFW-owned lands into compliance with RCW 77.57.030, which states that â€�"a dam or obstruction across or in a stream shall be fitted with a durable and efficient fishway…â€, and RCW 77.57.010, which states that â€�"a diversion device used for conducting water from a lake, river, or stream for any purpose shall be equipped with a fish guard…â€
The SWAFR discusses the potential for salmonid habitat restoration on the SWA, as it relates to fish passage barriers located both within and outside of the wildlife area boundary. The discussion presented herein, however, is limited to the scoping and correction of fish passage barriers located within the SWA only. In this regard, three non-compliant features were located on the SWA, which required repair, with all three being located within the Sunnyside subunit of the SWA, while no features were found on the Byron, I-82, Rattlesnake Slope, and Thorton subunits. Of these three features, one was a culvert (site 981382), one was a dam (site 981380), and the third a diversion pump (site 981378) associated with site 981380.