Columbia River Salmon Hatchery Returns, 1969-2000

This annual report produced since 1952 by the Joint Columbia River Management Staff and predecessors, contains data concerning the status of the runs of primarily anadromous fish in the Columbia River. General descriptions of major fisheries and fish runs are presented, followed by detailed information for each run. The detailed information includes the status of each run, description of the fisheries that harvest them, landing statistics from 1938-2000, and catch and escapement highlights for 2000. The focus of this report is on fish runs and fisheries occurring since 1938. The completion of Bonneville Dam and beginning of fish counting in early May 1938 allows for accurate estimates of escapement from the lower Columbia fisheries. Also, since 1938, commercial fishery catch statistics are available by species, by day, by zone, by gear type, and by state in pounds and numbers of fish. Since 1938, total run accounting has been accomplished. Sport catch statistics are available since the 1960s. Tribal ceremonial and subsistence (C&S) catch statistics are available since the 1970s. Statistics relating to the various fish runs and actual 2000 season dates are included in appendix tables at the end of this report.


There are numerous facilities in the Columbia River basin that receive returning salmon. Each facility reports those returns to their respective agency. Each agency then provides an annual summary of their hatchery returns. At this time there is no basin wide listing of hatchery escapements other than the separate agency reports. The purpose of this report is to provide a listing of all salmon returns to major facilities in the Columbia River system.

Returns are listed by area; lower Columbia River (below Bonneville Dam), mid- Columbia River (between Bonneville Dam and mouth of Snake River), Snake River, and upper Columbia River (above mouth of Snake River). All 2000 information should be considered preliminary.