This report summarizes recent recovery actions for the 46 endangered, threatened, and sensitive wildlife species in Washington, with an emphasis on activities occurring in 2011. It also includes accounts for 15 of the 113 species that are candidates for listing as endangered, threatened, or sensitive. Species accounts include background information about the species in Washington and recent conservation activities including monitoring, management, and research. The state list of endangered, threatened, and sensitive species is found on pages 6-8. State listing procedures are defined in WAC 232-12-297; endangered species are classified under WAC 232-12-014; and threatened and sensitive species are designated under WAC 232-12-011 (Appendix A).
Conserving the wildlife of Washington is an immense job which the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife cannot do alone. Numerous partners and cooperating agencies, tribes, organizations, zoos, companies, and landowners contributed time, money, and effort into conservation activities and are identified in the species accounts. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, Washington Department of Natural Resources, Washington State Department of Transportation, Washington State Parks, universities (particularly Washington State University, University of Washington, and The Evergreen State College), tribes, and conservation groups are important partners on many projects. The Woodland Park Zoo, Oregon Zoo, Northwest Trek, and Washington State Department of Corrections have become essential partners in several projects involving captive rearing and breeding of listed species. Wildlife conservation also benefits from the many people that volunteer their time, lands, and efforts to recover listed species.
In addition to the many partners who participate in recovery, grants and special funds are critical to implementing conservation efforts for listed species and their habitats. Special state funds include those from personalized license plates and the Orca-Endangered Species special background license plate. Funds for land acquisition and restoration have come from the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office through its Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program and from U.S. Fish and Wildilfe Service Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Funds (Section 6). Federal grants of particular importance include State Wildlife Grants, Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Funds (Section 6), and Recovery Grants from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Additional funds have come from the Bonneville Power Administration and the Department of Defense through Army Compatible Use Buffer funds.
Suggested citation
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. 2012. Threatened and Endangered Wildlife in Washington: 2011 Annual Report. Endangered Species Section, Wildlife Program. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia. 180 pp.