Published: June 2012
Pages: 39
Publication number: FPT12-04
Author(s): Michael R. Schmuck and Marc Petersen
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Wapato Lake was surveyed by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Region Two Warmwater Team using a boat electrofisher, gill nets, and fyke nets. Largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides was the most abundant species collected followed by pumpkinseed sunfish Lepomis gibbosus, and yellow perch Perca flavescens. Water chemistry data (dissolved oxygen and pH) in the epilimnion were well within acceptable standards for fish growth and survival. Seven game fish species were collected during this survey and with the exception of rainbow trout Oncorhyncus mykiss, all species were collected with all gears. Stock density indices reflect that the yellow perch population contains mostly large fish, while the largemouth bass population is comprised mostly of fish less than twelve inches. Length-at-age for all species was at or above average for fish older than age two, but below average for age one and two fish. Wapato Lake, under the current management scenario, appears to be an example of a wellbalanced mixed-species fishery.