Mountain Goats and Mountain Sheep of Washington


Published: 1983

Pages: 206

Author(s): Rolf L. Johnson


Washington State has the largest native population of mountain goats in the contiguous United States. A pioneer study of mountain goats was initiated here more than four decades ago (Anderson, 1940). The two-year study was the first comprehensive life history work done on mountain goats in North America. The need for more data and for refined management resulted in the initiation of a new goat study in 1959 (Wadkins, 1965). This eight-year goat study evaluated population numbers and environmental factors responsible for observed goat declines. During the 1970's, goat and bighorn sheep populations in some areas of the state suffered losses dictating a need for further research on both species to solve management problems. Better survey information in particular was needed for mountain goat management. Field work on the current sheep and goat study was initiated in 1976 as Federal Aid Project W 88 R. The study's principal objective was to determine current population status of mountain goats and mountain sheep throughout the state. This bulletin summarizes current and previous information on both montane bovids in Washington.