A Discussion of Game Fish in the State of Washington as Related to Water Requirements

This document is provided for archival purposes only. Archived documents do not reflect current WDFW regulations or policy and may contain factual inaccuracies.


Published: July 1973

Pages: 72

Author(s): John W. Hunter

Archived Washington State Department of Game report.


The Washington State Department of Game has prepared this report in partial fulfillment of a flow study contract with the Washington State Department of Ecology. The Game Department has been selected to determine instream flow requirements of various game fish in the state of Washington and to develop methodology for applying known water needs to streams for flow recommendations.

The purpose of this report is to provide information necessary for determining stream flows which will preserve the high quality sports fishery presently found in Washington State. Appropriation of Washington States' water for agriculture, industrial, and municipal uses has placed fishery resources under a severe strain, and a very real and immediate need for maintaining aquatic habitat exists. Spawning and rearing requirements are stressed in this work as they are of primary concern in development of a flow study program for game fish.

Maintenance of a river system for fish production involves not only adequate flows for various life cycle requirements but preservation of stream habitat.