The Future Brood Document (FBD) is a pre-season planning document for fish hatchery production in Washington State for the upcoming brood stock collection and fish rearing season (July 1 – June 30). The FBD is coordinated between WDFW, the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission (NWIFC), Puget Sound, Washington Coast and Columbia River treaty tribes and United States Fish and Wildlife Service for the operation of fish hatcheries throughout the state. Hatchery production by volunteers, schools, and Regional Fisheries Enhancement Groups are represented by WDFW.
The purpose of the document is to detail agreed to production goals and plans for hatcheries. The document represents goals for egg-takes, transfers, and releases. Due to various conditions affecting returning anadromous salmon and steelhead, these goals are not always achieved and may be altered in-season. After agreement, the FBD becomes the Current Brood Document (CBD). Changes made in-season are processed through an in-season change form and may be either permanent or one-time only.
The FBD was developed to meet several requirements, not limited to:
- Legal Constraints
- Mitigative Obligations
- WDFW Goals and Objectives
- Hatchery Scientific Review Group Recommendations
- Hatchery Genetic Management Plans (HGMP)
- Benefit Risk Assessment Process (BRAP)
- Salmonid Disease Control Policy of the Fisheries Co-managers of Washington State
- Final Joint WDFW/Tribal Wild Salmonid Policy
The final document is produced annually each July, with draft documents distributed for review and proposals in January and May. Throughout the FBD draft process fisheries co-managers have input on change form processes, updated hatchery escapement needs, egg requests, production plans and proposed transfer of eggs and fry.
The production areas are Puget Sound including Hood Canal, Washington Coast, Columbia River, and Marine Sites.
NOTE: Marking and tagging information is subject to revision. Please contact Jill Cady 360-902-2819 or Jason Norton 360-902-2586 for updates.