The WDFW riparian ecosystem science synthesis1 and management recommendations2 describe how full riparian function can be achieved by delineating a riparian management zone (RMZ) with a width of the Site Potential Tree Height at age 200 (SPTH200). The Site Potential Tree Height Mapping Tool lets a user look up SPTH200 values for their location, but the current version has gaps in coverage. In other cases, site-level verification is warranted for an available SPTH200 value. For both reasons, we (WDFW) are providing this procedure for forestry professionals to determine a site index and thereby SPTH200 from field-based measurements for land use planning under the Growth and Shoreline Management Acts.
A site index value characterizes the quality of growing conditions (higher = better). This procedure combines tree age and height field measures (from trees that are not 200 years old) with established growth curves to arrive at a site index value. This site index then allows estimation of SPTH200 using our “SPTH200 Calculator.”
To determine site quality using tree height as the indicator, appropriate site trees of each species are selected in a stand. The site trees’ heights and ages are measured in the field, and then plotted or indexed on species-specific growth curves or tables. These tree height-to-age relationship curves are derived from growth and yield field data and show how the best trees from a variety of sites have grown over time.
1 Quinn, T., G.F. Wilhere, and K.L. Krueger, technical editors. 2020. Riparian Ecosystems, Volume 1: Science Synthesis and Management Implications. Habitat Program, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia.
2 Rentz, R., A. Windrope, K. Folkerts, and J. Azerrad. 2020. Riparian Ecosystems, Volume 2: Management Recommendations. Habitat Program, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia.
Suggested citation
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. 2025. Guidelines for Determining Site Potential Tree Height from Field Measurements. Olympia, WA.