To report poaching in progress and emergency predatory wildlife incidents, dial 911.
For non-emergency poaching or violation reporting, or non-emergency predatory wildlife incidents, call 877-933-9847, or submit an online report. You can also text your poaching/violation tip to 847411 (TIP411).
View reports
State law requires the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) to post on its website all reported incidents involving “predatory wildlife,” defined as cougars, wolves, and grizzly bears.
As directed by RCW 77.12.885, this includes accounts of “safety confrontations or sightings, as well as the known details of reported depredations by predatory wildlife on humans, pets, or livestock” within 10 days of receiving a report.
For incidents occurring on or after August 1, 2022 click the link below to view the map.
Predatory Wildlife Incidents Map
For incidents occurring before August 1, 2022 visit Wildlife Conflict - Dangerous Incident Reports
WDFW bases this information on reports by citizens to the department. Multiple reports that are very close in time and geographic location may be recorded as one incident.
All reports are sited in the general vicinity of the incident and appear within 10 days of the reported observation.