Climate vulnerability
Sensitivity to climate change
Little is known about river lamprey vulnerability to climate change (particularly in Washington), but they likely have vulnerability similar to that of Pacific lamprey because they exhibit similar freshwater and marine life history stages (spawning, rearing, and migration), although they typically occupy larger rivers at lower elevations. Rearing individuals may be vulnerable to shifts in flow regimes (e.g., desiccation or stranding due to low flows, enhanced scouring from high flows) and water quality (e.g., temperature increases), and adult river lamprey may also be vulnerable to temperature and migration barriers resulting from reduced streamflows. Changes in the marine and estuarine environment that affect river lamprey hosts (e.g., herring, smelt) will likely affect the marine survival of this species.
Exposure to climate change
- Increased water temperatures (fresh and ocean)
- Lower summer/fall flows
- Increased winter flood events