Climate vulnerability
Sensitivity to climate change
Pygmy whitefish occupy cool lakes and streams with temperatures below 10°C, and are likely adapted to cold and low-productivity environments (i.e,. small size, early maturation), making them sensitive to increasing water temperatures. Warmer water temperatures may have direct physiological effects, allow upstream expansion of some populations (provided no barriers exist) and/or affect ecological interactions by expanding the range of potential predators or competitors. Wildfires that remove stream- or lake-side vegetation may exacerbate temperature increases and/or contribute to sedimentation, which can affect spawning habitat.
Confidence: Low
Exposure to climate change
- Increased water temperatures
- Altered fire regimes
Confidence: Low
Where you may encounter pygmy whitefish
Lakes where this species may be found
Chelan County
Kittitas County
Pend Oreille County
This species is identified as a Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) under
the State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP). SGCN-classified species include both those with
and without legal protection status under the Federal or State Endangered Species programs,
as well as game species with low populations. The WDFW SWAP is part of a nationwide effort
by all 50 states and five U.S. territories to develop conservation action plans for fish,
wildlife and their natural habitats—identifying opportunities for species' recovery
before they are imperiled and more limited.
This species is identified as a Priority Species under WDFW's Priority Habitat and Species Program. Priority
species require protective measures for their survival due to their population status, sensitivity to habitat
alteration, and/or recreational, commercial, or tribal importance. The PHS program is the agency's main means
of sharing fish and wildlife information with local governments, landowners, and others who use it to
protect priority habitats for land use planning.