January 6-7, 2012 Minutes Special Meeting

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January 6-7, 2012

Natural Resource Building, Room 172
Olympia, Washington

Public (cont.)
Miranda Wecker, Chair
Chuck Sturn
Gary Douvia, Vice Chair
Mike Mudgett
Larry Carpenter
Robert W. Peterson
David Jennings
Jack Mattice
Jay Kehne
John McKinley
Connie Mahnken
Tom Christensen
Chuck Perry
Rick Curtright
Rollie Schmitten
Jack Baxter
Brad Smith
Ron Chase
Sam Ingram
Commission Staff:
Dave Kuno

Tami Lininger

Ralph Zaleck
Erin Gariépy
Rick Corson
Paul Dierck
Department Staff
Errol Collins
Phil Anderson, Director
Robert Robertson
Joe Stohr, Deputy Director
James Forslund
Nate Pamplin
Dick Barge
Dave Ware
Jack Berryman
Joe Shorin
Rich Simms
Bill Frymire
Curt Kraem
Bruce Bjork
William Atlas
Mike Cenci
Thomas Buehrns
Katie Knight
Larry F.. Smith
Dave Brittell
Gordon Ruh
Guy Norman
David Montoya
Craig Burley
Nate Harrigan
Kirt Hughes
Deane Osterman
Charmane Ashbrook
David Hell
and other department staff
Bob Krause
Gary LeBaron
Larry Mann
Walt Christensen
Neil Francis
Theodore A. Schindler
Lyle Cabe
Ed Tharp
Jerry Lowe
Harry Barber
Lewis Boyd
Ed Wickersham
John Farrar
Ginny Ross
George Allen
Chuck Tracy
Ted Beach
Kent Martin
Linda Allen
Mike Backman
Alyce Asch
Lee Roy Wisner
Carl Asch
Glen Johnson
Joseph Klobucnik
Leon Stevenson
Jack Edwards
Dale Scott
Rick Andersen
Jeff Ashe
Terry McKinsey
Arnold Zackersens
Keith Isaacson
Terry Ostring
Tom Buckndahl
Brian Stanley
Cliff Richard
Sandra L. Kuckynka
Bruce Crookshanks
Eddie W. Kuchynka
Bryce Divine
Bryan Irwin
George Ziegltrum
Scott Sigmon
Jeff Eide
Barry Armstrong
Joe Sobolewski
Gary Bodine
Chet O'Brien


Chair Wecker called the meeting to order at 8:25 a.m.

1. Executive Session:
Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i), the Commission will meet in executive session to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency litigation or potential litigation to which the agency is, or is likely to become, a party. No action will be taken in executive session, and the public is not permitted to attend the executive session.

2. Call to Order:

a. Approval of minutes

Commissioner Douvia moved, seconded by Commissioner Schmitten to approve the November 18, 2011 conference call meeting minutes. Motion carried unanimously.

b. Commissioners’ Discussion

  • Steelhead fishing
  • Colville Hatchery
  • Wolves
  • New committee
  • Get Out West – getting youth outdoors
  • Rules of Procedure
c. Director’s Report - Joe Stohr, Deputy Director, briefed the commission on the following items
  • Budget
  • Wolf Conservation & Management plan
  • Marketing
  • Columbia River Chinook
  • Legislation
3. How the Department of Fish and Wildlife Delivers the Priority Habitats and Species Program to our Stakeholders - Briefing:
Katie Knight provided an overview of the program tools and how they are used to make land management decisions that protect fish, wildlife and their habitats.

4. Open Public Input:

The following individuals provided testimony during this portion of the meeting:

Chuck Tracy
Ed Tharp
Lyle Cabe
Jerry Lowe
Harry Barber
Ed Wickersham
Ginny Ross
Mike Backman
Kent Martin
John McKinley
Bruce Crookshanks
Bryce Divine
Terry Ostling
Brian Stanley
Eddie Kahanka
Greg Johnson

5. Multiple Season Big Game Permits – Rule Briefing and Public Hearing:
Dave Ware briefed the Commission on proposed amendments to WAC 232-28-294 Multiple Season Big Game Permits.
No one signed up to provide public testimony for this item.

6. 2011 Lands 20/20 Acquisition Process – Briefing:
Dave Brittell briefed the Commission on the project approved through the 2011 Lands 20/20 and requested funding for projects approved.

7. Wildlife Program Review – Briefing:
Postponed to February 2-3, 2012 meeting.

8. Joint Law-Enforcement Agreements – Briefing:
Chief Bruce Bjork and Deputy Chief Mike Cenci provided the Commission with an overview of joint law enforcement agreements between the Department’s Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Program and other agencies for the protection of natural resources.

9. Review of Lower Columbia Sturgeon Management Policy C-3001 – Briefing:
Guy Norman provided the Commission with an annual review of the Columbia River White Sturgeon.


10. Sportfishing Regulations – Briefing & Public Hearing:
Craig Burley briefed the Commission on the proposed 2012 -2013 sportfishing season rules and regulations to ensure conservation of the fish and shellfish resource, and provide sustainable recreational fishing opportunities.

The following individuals provided testimony:

Ron Chase
David Montoya
Dave Kuno
Sam Ingram
Dean Osterman
Ralph Zaleck
Nathan Harriean
Lewis Boyd
Paul Dierck
John C. Farrar
David Hell
James Forslund
Ted Beach
George Allen
Dick Burg
Jack Berryman
Rich Simms
Curt Kraemer
William Atlas
Thomas Buehrens

11. Open Public Input
The following individuals signed up to provide testimony:

John Farrar
Ed Tharp
Curt Kraemer
Gary Bodine
Gordon Ruh
Larry F. Smith

12. Miscellaneous and Meeting Debrief
The Commission discussed the following items that arose immediately before or during the meeting and after the preliminary agenda was published:

  • Progress of implementation of Wolf Conservation and Management Plan
  • Sturgeon Statement

Commissioner Jennings moved, seconded by Commissioner Carpenter to approve the draft sturgeon statement with amendments to the last paragraph.  Motion passed unanimously. 

13. Commission Committee Reports

14. Summary Commission Requests

  • New committee information
  • Briefing on cougar hunting impact on public safety by Donny Martorello

Commissioner Carpenter moved, seconded by Commissioner Perry to approve request for presentation of research done regarding Cougar hunting effects on public safety.  Motion passed unanimously.

Chair Wecker adjourned the meeting at 12:41.