June 21, 2013 Minutes Conference Call

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Friday, June 21, 2013

Olympia, Washington


Miranda Wecker, Chair
Brad Smith, Vice Chair
Larry Carpenter
Jay Holtzmiller
Jay Kehne
Conrad Mahnken
Rollie Schmitten
Tami Lininger
Erin Gariépy
Phil Anderson, Director
Joe Stohr, Deputy Director
Craig Burley
Nate Pamplin
Darren Friedel
Dave Ware
Donny Martorello
Rich Childers
Bradley Palmer

FRIDAY, June 21, 2013

Chair Wecker called the meeting to order at 8:32 a.m.

A. Cougar GMUs – Briefing, Public Hearing, Decision
Donny Martorello Ph.D., Large Carnivore Section Manager provided a briefing and asked the Commission to approve removing GMUs 157 and 522 (WAC 232-28-297 2012-2013, 2013-2014) from the 2014-2015 Cougar hunting seasons and regulations.

No one signed up to provide public input for this item.

Commissioner Schmitten moved, seconded by Commissioner to amend WAC 232-28-297 as proposed. Motion passed unanimously.

B. Petitions to Change Rules - Decision
The Commission formally considered two petitions for changes to rulemaking pursuant to RCW 34.05.330:

• Naselle River – Internal Combustion Engines – Gacke
Presented by Craig Burley, Fish Management Division Manager
Commissioner Mahnken moved, seconded by Commissioner Kehne to accept the petition to restrict the use of internal combustion motors on the Naselle river as stated and initiate rulemaking proceedings. Motion passed unanimously.

• Archery Requirements – Crossbows - Palmer
Presented by Dave Ware, Game Division Manager
Commissioner Schmitten moved, seconded by Commissioner Mahnken to accept the petition to revise the Washington Administrative Code and initiate the rule-making process to consider allowing hunters with disabilities, to use a crossbow equipped with a scope to hunt during archery seasons. Motion passed unanimously.

C. Commercial Sea Cucumbers/Sea Urchins Buy – Back Program – Decision
Rich Childers, Shellfish Policy Manager briefed the Commission on the commercial license buy-back program for the sea cucumber/sea urchin fishery and requested approval to increase the maximum bid prices for permits.

Commissioner Mahnken moved, seconded by Commissioner Smith to adopt permanent amendments to WAC 220-95-100 and 220-95-110 as recommended by Department staff. Motion passed unanimously.

D. Minutes for Approval - Decision
The Commission considered the following meeting minutes for approval.

  • June 7-8 Meeting

Vice Chair Smith moved, seconded by Commissioner Carpenter to approve minutes of the June 7-8 meeting with corrections. Motion passed unanimously.

E. General Discussion 
Commissioners and the Director discussed recent activities and items of interest.

  • Welcome Commissioner Holzmiller
  • Follow up on Youth Advisory Council Blue Sheet request
  • Status of State Budget
  • Upcoming co-management meeting with Tribes
  • Budget contingency planning
  • Outstanding fishery issues with North of Falcon

Chair Wecker adjourned the meeting at  10:25 a.m.