August 5, 2016 meeting transcript

Fish and Wildlife Commission

Meeting Minutes & Agendas

Audio Transcripts (PDF)

August 5-6, 2016

Natural Resource Building
1111 Washington Street SE Olympia, WA 98501

First Floor - Room 172


8:00 AM

1. Call to Order

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  1. Commissioners' Discussion
  2. Meeting Minute Approval
8:15 AM

2. Open Public Input

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The Commission is a direct link between the citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting. 

NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that do not already have public input time on the agenda.

8:35 AM

3. Director's Report

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The Director will brief the Commission on various items.

9:20 AM

4. Hatchery Reform Policy C-3619 - Briefing

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Department Staff will provide the Commission a briefing as stipulated per Policy C-3619 on the progress of implementing statewide hatchery reform in compliance with standards set by the Hatchery Scientific Review Group to further the recovery of wild salmon and steelhead populations while continuing to support sustainable fisheries.

- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (540 Kb)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF Format (2 Mb)

Staff Report: Kelly Cunningham, Deputy Assistant Director, Fish Program and Eric Kinne, Hatchery Systems Manager

9:40 AM

5. Willapa Bay Hatchery Evaluation - Briefing

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Department staff will provide the Commission a comprehensive review of the hatchery programs in the Willapa Bay region as stipulated per Policy C-3622.

- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (667 Kb)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF Format (2 Mb)

Staff Report: Chad Herring, Willapa Bay Policy Implementation Biologist

10:10 AM Break
10:25 AM

6. Lake Roosevelt Regulation Update - Briefing and Public Hearing

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Department staff will provide the Commission with a briefing on the proposed changes to sport fishing regulations on Roosevelt Lake.

- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (639 Kb)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF Format (2 Mb)

Staff Report: Chris Donley, Region 1 Fish Program Manager

PUBLIC INPUT (This item only)

10:55 AM

7. Pacific Halibut Management Overview - Briefing

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Department staff will brief the Commission on the management of Pacific halibut, including the International Pacific Halibut Commission process, Pacific Fishery Management Council's Catch Sharing Plan, which describes the allocations and structure for West Coast halibut fisheries (tribal, commercial, and recreational), and the Department's monitoring, sampling, and coordination systems for these quota-managed fisheries.

- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (1 Mb)

- Presentation (PDF) - PDF Format - (616 Kb)

Staff Report: Michele Culver, Regional Director and Heather Reed, Coastal Marine Policy Coordinator

12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM

8. New Combination Recreational Fishing Licenses - Briefing, Public Hearing and Decision

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Department staff will brief the Commission on a proposed new WAC 220-55-165 to establish a reduced rate annual Fish Washington license, a senior combination license and the ability for anglers to upgrade to a combination and take public comments before requesting approval.

- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (515 Kb)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF Format (594 Kb)

Staff Report:  Greg Sallis, Sales and Marketing Manager

PUBLIC INPUT (This item only)

1:20 PM

9. Periodic Status Review (Taylor's Checkerspot Butterfly and Columbia White-tailed deer) - Briefing, Public Hearing and Decision

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Department staff will request approval from the Commission on the Periodic Status Reviews compiled for the state listed species referenced above.

- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (136 Kb)
- Status Review for Columbian White-tailed deer (PDF) - PDF Format (1 Mb)
- Status Review for Taylor's Checkerspo (PDF)t - PDF Format (1 Mb)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF Format (6 Mb)

Staff Report: Hannah Anderson, Listing and Recovery Section Manager, Ann Potter, Wildlife Biologist, Diversity Division

PUBLIC INPUT (This item only)

2:00 PM Break
2:15 PM

10. Enforcement Program Update - Briefing

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Region 6 Enforcement Program staff will provide an overview of how they have focused on the agency goals through achieving the program's strategic objectives and list detailed accomplishments.

- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (16 Kb)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF Format (4 Mb)

Staff Report: Captain Dan Chadwick

2:40 PM

11. Wild Future Update and 2017 Legislative Proposals - Briefing and Decision

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Department Staff will provide updates on the Wild Future Initiative, as well as, a briefing on the agency's 2017 legislative proposals before seeking approval.

- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (13 Mb)

Staff Report: Jennifer Quan, Governmental Affairs Director and Raquel Crosier, Legislative Liaison

3:10 PM

12. Capital Budget Request - Briefing and Decision

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Department staff will provide an informational briefing and request approval on the agency's Capital Budget.

- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (74 Kb)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF Format (2 Mb)

Staff Report: Tim Burns, Assistant Director, Capital and Asset Management Program

3:25 PM

13. 2017 Legislative Session Operating Budget Requests - Briefing and Decision

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Department staff will brief the Commission and request approval on the agency's 2017 operating budget proposals.

- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format

Staff Report: Owen Rowe, Budget Officer, Technology and Financial Management

3:55 PM

14. Petition to Change Rules - Decision

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The Commission will formally consider a petition for changes to rulemaking pursuant to RCW 34.05.330:

  • Wagemann Rule Making Petition regarding points for special permit hunts.

- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (4 Mb)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF Format (159 Kb)

4:15 PM

15. Open Public Input

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The Commission is a direct link between the citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting.

 NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that do not already have public input time on the agenda.



8:30 AM

16. Open Public Input

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The Commission is a direct link between the citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting. 

NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that do not already have public input time on the agenda.

9:00 AM

17. Miscellaneous and Meeting Debrief

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The Commission will discuss items that arise immediately before or during the meeting and after the preliminary agenda is published.

9:15 PM

18. Executive Session

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Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(g), the Commission will meet in executive session to evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for public employment or to review the performance of a public employee.

No action will be taken in executive session, and the public is not permitted to listen to the executive session.

11:15 AM Adjourn

Contact the Fish and Wildlife Commission Office for further information:
Phone 360-902-2267

Persons with disabilities who need reasonable accommodations to participate in the public meeting are invited to contact Dolores Noyes by phone (360-902-2349), TTY (360-902-2207), or email (dolores.noyes@dfw.wa.govl). Reasonable accommodation requests should be received at least three (3) business days prior to the meeting to ensure availability. Please provide two (2) weeks' notice for requests for ASL/ESL interpretation services. For more information, see the requests for accommodation page.