August 4-5, 2017 meeting transcript

Audio Transcripts

August 4-5, 2017

Natural Resources Building
1111 Washington St SE
Olympia WA 98501
First Floor, Room 172


8:00 AM 1. Call to Order

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  1. Commissioners' Discussion
  2. Meeting Minute Approval
8:15 AM 2. Open Public Input

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The Commission is a direct link between the citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting. 

NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that do not already have public input time on the agenda.

8:45 AM 3. Director's Report

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The Director will brief the Commission on various items.


- Director's Report (PDF) - PDF Format (934 Kb)

9:15 AM 4. 2017-19 Strategic Plan, Performance Agreement - Proposal/Briefing

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Department staff and Commissioners will discuss the 2017-19 Strategic Plan, Performance Agreement.


- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (114 Kb)

Staff Report: Rob Geddis, Lean Performance Manager

9:45 AM 5. 2018 Supplemental Capital Budget Request - This Agenda Item has been removed.
10:15 AM 6. 2018 Legislative Session Proposals and Operating Budget Requests - Briefing and Possible Decision

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Department staff will brief the Commission and request approval on the agency's 2018 legislative and operating budget proposals.


- 2018 Legislation Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (974 Kb)
- 2018 Supplemental Budget (PDF) - PDF Format (1 Mb)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF Format (518 Kb)

Staff Report: Nate Pamplin, Policy Director and Owen Rowe, Budget Director

10:55 AM 7. Supplementing the Hydraulic Code Rule Making Record to Comply with an Agreed Court Order - Prospector's Administrative Procedures Act - Decision

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Department staff will ask the Commission to determine whether the rule changes adopted in 2014 impose more than minor costs on small scale mineral prospecting businesses, and if the least burdensome of the four alternatives presented, that also achieved protection of fish life, was selected.


- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (143 Kb)
- Business Analysis (PDF) - PDF Format (422 Kb)
- Small Business Economic Impact Statement (PDF)
- Programmatic Enviromental Impact Statement (PDF) - PDF Format (4.9 Mb)

Staff Report: Randi Thurston, Habitat Protection Division Manager and Pat Chapman, Environmental Planner

11:25 AM 8. Puget Sound Clam and Oyster Seasons - Briefing and Public Hearing

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Department staff will brief the Commission on proposed season changes for clam and oysters on Puget Sound public beaches.


- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (677 Kb)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF Format (630 kB)

Staff Report: Chris Eardley, Bivalve Policy Lead

11:45 AM 9. Compliance with Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Rule Update - Briefing, Public Hearing and Decision

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Department staff will brief the Commission and request approval on updates needed to make changes to one WAC regulation to ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.  


- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (520 Kb)

Staff Report: Dolores Noyes, ADA Program Manager and Scott Bird, Rules Coordinator

1:00 PM 10. Periodic Status Reviews (Yellow-billed Cuckoo and Loggerhead Sea Turtle) - Briefing and Public Hearing

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Department staff will brief the Commission on the Periodic Status Reviews compiled for the yellow-billed cuckoo and loggerhead sea turtle in accordance with WAC 220-610-110.


- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (88 Kb)
- Yellow-billed Cuckoo Status Report (PDF) - PDF Format (2 Mb)
- Yellow-billed Cuckoo Presentation (PDF) - PDF Format (3 Mb)
- Loggerhead Sea Turtle Status Report (PDF) - PDF Format (1 Mb)
- Loggerhead Sea Turtle Presentation (PDF) - PDF Format (2 Mb)

Staff Report: Hannah Anderson, Listing and Recovery Section Manager, Wildlife Program

1:20 PM 11. Periodic Status Reviews (Green Sea Turtle and Leatherback Sea Turtle) - Briefing, Public Hearing and Decision

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Department staff will brief the Commission and request approval on the Periodic Status Reviews compiled for the green sea turtle and the leatherback sea turtle in accordance with WAC 220-610-110.


- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (88 Kb)
- Green Sea Turtle Status Report (PDF) - PDF Format (1 Mb)
- Green Sea Turtle Presentation (PDF) - PDF Format (2 Mb)
- Leatherback Sea Turtle Status Report (PDF) - PDF Format (2 Mb)
- Leatherback Sea Turtle Presentation (PDF) - PDF Format (1 Mb)

Staff Report:  Hannah Anderson, Listing and Recovery Section Manager, Wildlife Program

1:35 PM 12. 2018 Spring Black Bear Seasons and Regulations - Briefing and Public Hearing

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Department staff will brief the Commission on proposed amendments to spring black bear hunting seasons to address damage and wildlife conflict issues.


- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (90 Kb)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF Format (1 Mb)

Staff Report: Stephanie Simek, Carnivore and Furbearer Section Manager, Wildlife Program

1:55 PM 13. Reducing the Spread of Hoof Disease - Briefing, Public Hearing and Decision

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Department staff will request approval from the Commission on proposed amendments to GMUs in which it is unlawful to transport elk hooves.


- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (71 Kb)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF Format (1 Mb)

Staff Report: Jerry Nelson, Ph.D., Deer and Elk Section Manager, Wildlife Program

2:20 PM 14. Big Game and Wild Turkey Auction, Raffle, and Special Incentive Permits - Briefing, Public Hearing and Decision

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Department staff will request approval from the Commission on proposed changes to improve clarity by amending WAC 220-412-070.


- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (70 Kb)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF Format (1 Mb)

Staff Report: Jerry Nelson, Ph.D., Deer and Elk Section Manager, Wildlife Program

2:55 15. Open Public Input

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The Commission is a direct link between the citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting.  


NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that do not already have public input time on the agenda.

3:15 PM 16. Executive Session - Director's Conference Room
Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i), the Commission will meet in executive session to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency litigation or potential litigation to which the agency is, or is likely to become, a party.  Then the Commission will meet pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(g), to evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for public employment or to review the performance of a public employee.  No action will be taken in executive session, and the public is not permitted to listen to the executive session.
5:15 PM Recess


8:00 AM 17. Open Public Input

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The Commission is a direct link between the citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting.  

NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that do not already have public input time on the agenda.

8:30 AM 18. Results of the 2016 Puget Sound Dungeness Crab Fishery - Briefing

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Department staff will provide the Commission an annual briefing summarizing the Puget Sound crab fishery as stipulated per policy (Policy C-3609). This briefing will summarize the performance and harvest of both commercial and recreational fisheries during the 2016 season and regulation compliance data collected by enforcement and fishery management staff. 


- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (117 Kb)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF Format (5 Mb)

Staff Report: Bob Sizemore, Puget Sound Shellfish Manager and Mike Cenci, Deputy Chief, Enforcement

9:15 AM 19. Results of the 2016 Puget Sound Shrimp Fishery - Briefing

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Department staff will provide the Commission an annual briefing summarizing the Puget Sound shrimp fishery as stipulated per policy (Policy C-3610). This briefing will summarize for each management region the performance and harvest of both commercial and recreational fisheries during the 2016 season.


- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (119 Kb)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF Format (5 Mb)

Staff Report: Bob Sizemore, Puget Sound Shellfish Manager

9:45 AM 20. Amending Coastal Dungeness Crab Rules - Briefing, Public Hearing and Decision

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Department staff will brief the Commission and request approval of changes needed to streamline and clarify rules regarding: 1) the transport of coastal Dungeness crab gear from another state, 2) issuance of replacement buoy tags, and to improve efficiency for stakeholders and regulatory enforcement.


- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (613 Kb)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF Format (939 Kb)

Staff Report: Heather Reed, Intergovernmental Ocean Policy Coordinator

10:30 AM 21. Delegation of Authority - Decision

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Department staff and the Commissioners will review and make decisions on the final Delegation of Authority.


- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (522 Kb)

Staff Report: Joe Stohr, Deputy Director

10:45 AM 22. Miscellaneous and Meeting Debrief

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The Commission will discuss items that arise immediately before or during the meeting and after the preliminary agenda is published.


11:00 AM Adjourn

Contact the Fish and Wildlife Commission Office for further information:
Phone 360-902-2267