November 17, 2017 meeting transcript

Audio Transcripts

NOVEMBER 17, 2017

This meeting will take place by telephone conference call

The public may listen to the discussion on speakerphone by coming to the Commission Office at the Department of Fish and Wildlife headquarters, Natural Resources Building, 5th Floor, 1111 Washington Street SE, Olympia or one of the Regional Offices. If you plan to come to one of the offices to listen to the conference call please contact Commission staff at 360-902-2267 so we can ensure adequate space is available.


8:00 a.m.

A. HPA Rule-making - Briefing

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Department staff will provide a briefing on the objective to initiate rulemaking to permanently adopt a new authorized work time for mineral prospecting in the Sultan River and make a few other minimal changes.


- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (136 Kb)
- Proposal (PDF) - PDF Format ( 2 Mb)
- Rule Change Proposal Briefing Table (PDF) - PDF Format (130 Kb)

B. Timing for Sale of Special Hunt Permit Applications - Briefing

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Department staff are evaluating the logistics of selling special hunt applications in December, versus mid-April, and will present an update and seek Commission input. Hunt choices and special hunt application submittal process would continue with same time-period of mid-April through mid-May, after Commission approval of hunting season structure and permit levels.

- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (328 Kb)

C. Meeting Minute Approval - Decision

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The Commission will consider approval of the October 27-28, 2017 meeting minutes.


- Draft Meeting Minutes (PDF)

D. General Discussion

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Commissioners and the Director will discuss recent activities and items of interest.

  • December meeting agenda approval
  • Retreat/Workshop planning topics and timing

Contact the Fish and Wildlife Commission Office for further information:
Phone 360-902-2267