Marine Area 2-1 includes Willapa Bay east of a line from Cape Shoalwater to Leadbetter Point.
Willapa Bay is a very popular small boat fishery especially for large Chinook salmon. Major access points include Tokeland and South Bend. Some anglers also launch at North River. The protected nature of bay allows small boats access to some exceptional salmon fishing. Most fishing occurs in August and early September before the commercial fishery commences.
Legal description
East of a line from Leadbetter Point to Cape Shoalwater.
Major fishing areas
Interior Willapa
Bottomfish, including dogfish, perch, cabezon, and flatfish are caught here by jigging, mooching, and using a weighted bait.
Accessible by Boat
Clam, mussel, and oyster beaches
For bivalve season information, please see the Puget Sound clam, mussel, and oyster season guide or visit the shellfish beaches page. Current water quality information, beach locations and harvest seasons can be found on the Department of Health's shellfish safety interactive map.