How to become a hunter education instructor


Hunter education instructors must be:

  • At least 18 years old
  • Interested in promoting safety, wildlife conservation, and responsible outdoor behavior
  • Willing to teach or assist in at least one class per year
  • Pass a background investigation

Application / Certification Procedure

Complete the instructor application, review the background disclosure statement, and complete the background check authorization. Applicants must fill out both the application and background authorization forms. Return the application and authorization to the Olympia Office, PO Box 43137, Olympia, WA 98504.

Instructor training

Instructor applicants must attend a pre-service training course and assist in teaching a course to become certified. Pre-service trainings are conducted on an as-needed basis throughout the state.

Contact us

For more information, contact the Olympia office at 360-902-8111 or by email at

Washington Hunter Education Instructors' Association

The Washington Hunter Education Instructors' Association (WHEIA) is a non-profit organization that promotes outdoor safety, game management, and positive outdoor ethics. Membership is open to all individuals, organizations, and corporations which support WHEIA goals. Annual dues are $15 per year. Contact WHEIA for more information.