Chelan Wildlife Area

Flowered hillside at Pateros Wildlife Area Unit.
Photo by Alan L. Bauer

Pateros Wildlife Area Unit

The Chelan Wildlife Area is located in Chelan County, with one unit located in Okanogan County, and includes approximately 31,100 acres of land ranging in elevation from 710 feet along the Columbia River to 4,300 feet. Shrubsteppe is the predominant habitat type through most of the area. Open Ponderosa pine habitat and denser mixed coniferous forest occur at higher elevations. Riparian vegetation occurs throughout the area's creek bottoms and in the vicinity of springs. The wildlife area is managed primarily for big game and upland game birds but also manages it for a great diversity of other wildlife species. Wildlife using the area includes Neotropical birds, raptors, upland game birds, bears, cougars, mule deer, and bighorn sheep. The Columbia River, which is adjacent or near much of the wildlife area, attracts thousands of waterfowl and other water birds. Bald and golden eagle nesting territories occur on the wildlife area. 

Beginning in 2011, the restoration of over 1,100 acres old agricultural fields on Chelan Butte and Swakane Canyon was initiated. By the end of 2016, native grasses, forbs and shrubs have been seeded on all but 100 acres of these fields. Work to establish and maintain the native plantings on these fields will continue until at least 2021. This area provides a great variety of recreational opportunities including hunting, photography, wildlife viewing, and camping. The wildlife area's numerous dirt roads, which are closed to motorized vehicles, offer good hiking, mountain biking, cross country skiing and snowshoeing opportunities. By actively managing lands, restoring habitats, and preserving wild places, the department serves as stewards for Washington's natural places, protecting the state's land and water for its human and wildlife populations.

Management planning

2018 Chelan Wildlife Area Management Plan
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is developing a new management plan for the Chelan Wildlife Area. The wildlife area includes about 30,874 acres of land in Chelan and Okanogan counties. WDFW acquired most of the wildlife area property as a result of a 1963 agreement with the Chelan County PUD to lessen the impact of the Rocky Reach Dam project on wildlife. The department manages the area primarily for big game and upland game birds. Chelan Wildlife Area provides a great variety of recreational opportunities including hunting, photography, wildlife viewing, and camping. The wildlife area's numerous dirt roads, which are closed to motorized vehicles, offer good hiking, mountain biking, cross country skiing and snowshoeing opportunities. The new plan will address the status of wildlife species and their habitat, ongoing restoration efforts, management challenges such as invasive species and public recreation opportunities at the wildlife area.

Planning Advisory Committee

Chelan Wildlife Area Advisory Committee

Additional Materials

Plan Updates