WDFW 2025-27 Biennial Operating Budget Request


Published: September 10, 2024

Pages: 474

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW; Department) respectfully submits the operating budget request for the 2025-27 biennium, as approved by the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission. The Department recognizes revenue forecasts are lower than expected and the state faces uncertainty regarding revenue from the Climate Commitment Act and the capital gains taxes.

In support of the Governor’s focus on maintaining current programs and services, the Department has categorized its policy level requests as follows and is included as an itemized list at the end of this letter:

  • Phase II of previously funded budget items of greatest agency need,
  • Existing critical work currently funded one-time that we are seeking ongoing, and
  • Other high-priority policy investments.

While this budget request is sizeable, it is important to note that all Natural Resources agencies combined receive less than 1.5% of the General Fund. Yet funding our agencies yields a significant return on investment through increased recreational and commercial opportunities, as well as the preservation and restoration of our ecosystems for present and future generations.

The 2022 National Survey for Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife Associated Recreation by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago demonstrates that funding WDFW stimulates the economy. Participants in Washington spent $15.3 billion on fishing, hunting, and wildlife viewing in 2022, directly benefiting local economies through trip expenditures and the State’s economy through sales tax revenue, which is then reinvested in other critical public services.

In the 2023-25 biennium the legislature appropriated $15.5 million per year towards restoring Washington’s biodiversity. Our species, ecosystems, and natural landscapes are foundational to our cultural heritage, providing a sense of what it means to be a Washingtonian. Washingtonians deserve a Fish and Wildlife Agency that delivers on outcomes. Funding the Department’s current program and services, while investing in new policy initiatives allows WDFW to be proactive inmeeting our commitments to the Legislature and its citizens.