The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife produces hundreds of documents annually, outlining fish, wildlife, and lands management, scientific research, guidance for homeowners, local governments, and contractors, harvest summaries, and other materials.
Migration and Winter Ranges of Ferruginous Hawks From Washington: 2001 Progress Report
James W. Watson and D. John Pierce (2001)
Notoedric Mange in Western Gray Squirrels from Washington
Todd E. Cornish, Mary J. Linders, Susan E. Little, and W. Matthew Vander Haegen (2001)
Power Analysis of Bait Station Surveys in Idaho and Washington
Clifford G. Rice and Steve Pozzanghera (WDFW), Jeff Rohlman and John Beecham (Idaho Department of Fish and Game) (2001)
Ecology of a Remnant Population of Oregon Spotted Frogs (Rana Pretiosa) in Thurston County, Washington
James W. Watson, Kelly R. McAllister, D. John Pierce and Amy Alvarado. (2000)
Atlas of Seal and Sea Lion Haulout Sites in Washington
Steven J. Jeffries, Patrick J. Gearin, Harriet R. Huber, Don L. Saul and Darrell A. Pruett (2000)
Guidelines For Managing Wood Duck Nest Boxes in Washington State
Paul C. Fielder (2000)
Potential Utility of Using Fixed-wing Aircraft Either Alone or Jointly with Boats to Survey for Marbled Murrelets at Sea Draft report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Christopher W. Thompson, David R. Nysewander and Joseph Evenson (2000)
Guidelines to manage sage grouse populations and their habitats
John W. Connelly, Michael A. Schroeder, Alan R. Sands, and Clait E. Braun (2000)
Changes in the Distribution and Abundance of Columbian Sharp-Tailed Grouse in Washington
Michael A. Schroeder, David W. Hays, Maureen A. Murphy and D. John Pierce (2000)