The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife produces hundreds of documents annually, outlining fish, wildlife, and lands management, scientific research, guidance for homeowners, local governments, and contractors, harvest summaries, and other materials.
2019 Wild Coho Forecasts for Puget Sound, Washington Coast, and Lower Columbia
Neala W. Kendall, Dan Rawding, and Josh Weinheimer (2019)
Comprehensive Evaluation of the Columbia River Basin Salmon Management Policy C-3620, 2013-2017
Bill Tweit, Ryan Lothrop, Cindy LeFleur (2018)
Green River Juvenile Salmonid Production Evaluation: 2017 Annual Report
Peter C. Topping and Joseph H. Anderson (2018)
Monitoring of Grays River Fall Chinook Salmon using an Instream Weir, 2008-2010
Jeremy Wilson, Region 5 Fish Management; Bryce Glaser, Region 5 Fish Management; Dan Rawding, Fish Science Division; Thomas Buehrens, Fish Science Division (2018)
Steelhead at Risk Report: Assessment of Washington’s Steelhead Populations
Jeremy Cram, Neala Kendall, Anne Marshall, Thomas Buehrens, Todd Seamons, Bob Leland, Kris Ryding, and Erik Neatherlin (2018)
2018 Joint Staff Report: Stock Status and Fisheries for Fall Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon, Chum Salmon, Summer Steelhead, and White Sturgeon
Joint Columbia River Management Staff (2018)
Grays Harbor Fall Chum Abundance and Distribution, 2017
Amy R. Edwards and Mara S. Zimmerman (2018)
Warmwater Fish Program Annual Program Report: 2016-17
Bruce Bolding (2018)
Validation of Habitat Preferences for Select Native Freshwater Fishes in the Chehalis River, Washington State
Marie Winkowski and Neala Kendall (2018)
Duckabush Chinook Salmon: 6 Year Review: 2011-2016
Josh Weinheimer (2018)