The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife produces hundreds of documents annually, outlining fish, wildlife, and lands management, scientific research, guidance for homeowners, local governments, and contractors, harvest summaries, and other materials.
2016 Joint Staff Report: Stock Status and Fisheries for Fall Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon, Chum Salmon, Summer Steelhead, and White Sturgeon
Joint Columbia River Management Staff (2016)
2015 Lower Columbia River Fall Seine Fishery
Joint Columbia River Management Staff (2016)
Report on the Coded-Wire Tag Program for Chinook and Coho Salmon Produced by WDFW Columbia River Basin Hatcheries
Lisa Harlan and T. F. Wadsworth (2015)
2015 Joint Staff Report: Stock Status and Fisheries for Fall Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon, Chum Salmon, Summer Steelhead, and White Sturgeon
Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife; Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife (2015)
Evaluation of recreational steelhead catch in the South Fork Toutle and Washougal rivers, 2011-2014: creel survey analysis, catch record card expansion, and impacts to wild populations
Kale Bentley, Bryce Glaser, Thomas Buehrens, Jim Byrne, and Stacie Kelsey (2015)
Summary of Coastal Intertidal Forage Fish Spawning Surveys: October 2012 – October 2014
Mariko Langness, Phillip Dionne, Daniel Masello, and Dayv Lowry (2015)