The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife produces hundreds of documents annually, outlining fish, wildlife, and lands management, scientific research, guidance for homeowners, local governments, and contractors, harvest summaries, and other materials.
An Investigation Into the Migratory Behavior of Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in the Touchet River Basin
Glen Mendel, Chris Fulton, and Rey Weldert (2003)
Ongoing Supplementation Programs for Summer Chum Salmon in the Hood Canal and Strait of Juan de Fuca Regions of Washington State
Thom H. Johnson and Chris Weller (2003)
Supplementation Standards for Recovering ESA-listed Threatened Summer-Run Chum Salmon Populations in the Hood Canal and Strait of Juan de Fuca Regions of Washington
Tim J. Tynan, Chris Weller and Thom H. Johnson (2003)
Chum Salmon Supplementation: Bane or Boon?
Jim Ames and Kyle Adicks (2003)
Trends and Status of Harbor Seals in Washington State: 1978–1999
Steven Jeffries, Harriet Huber, John Calambokidis, Jeffrey Laake (2003)
Nest-Site Habitat Use by White-Headed Woodpeckers in the Eastern Cascade Mountains, Washington
Joseph B Buchanan, Russell E Rogers, D John Pierce, and John E Jacobson (2003)
Results of the 2003 Survey of the Reintroduced Sea Otter Population in Washington State
Ronald J. Jameson and Steven Jeffries (2003)