The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife produces hundreds of documents annually, outlining fish, wildlife, and lands management, scientific research, guidance for homeowners, local governments, and contractors, harvest summaries, and other materials.
Lower Columbia River Juvenile Chum Salmon Monitoring: Abundance Estimates for Chum, Chinook, Coho, and Steelhead
Todd Hillson, Kale Bentley, Dan Rawding and Julie Grobelny (2017)
2013 Wild Coho Forecasts for Puget Sound, Washington Coast, and Lower Columbia
Mara Zimmerman (2017)
Summary report: Pronghorn antelope abundance survey in south-central Washington March 16-17, 2017
Jared Oyster, Wildlife Biologist; WDFW David Blodgett III, Wildlife Biologist, YNWP; Gabe Swan, Wildlife Biologist, YNWP; and Rich Harris, Section Manager, WDFW (2017)
Evaluation of Juvenile Salmon Production in 2016 from the Cedar River and Bear Creek
Kelly Kiyohara (2017)