Wildlife Program report: Sept. 16-30, 2024

This report summarizes recent, noteworthy activities of Wildlife Program field and headquarters staff, arranged by four divisions: Game, Lands, Science, and Wildlife Diversity, and six regions: Eastern, North Central, South Central, North Puget Sound, Southwest, and Coastal, including wildlife areas within those regions.

Region 1 (Eastern)

Managing Wildlife Populations

Deer Surveys: Private Lands Biologist Nizer, along with Technicians Nance and Rumiser, completed the second round of deer surveys in Whitman County on Sept 17th and 19th. These surveys help wildlife managers by gaining a better understanding of the composition of the deer herd in Whitman County including buck-to-doe and doe-to-fawn ratios, along with understanding the buck quality on the landscape.  

Sharp-tailed Grouse GPS Collar Recovery: Wildlife Area Manager Finch and Wildlife Area Assistant Manager Wagner went to private property north of Creston to recover a Sharp-tailed Grouse GPS collar that quit moving. Finch and Wagner did locate the collar within 5 feet of the last reported location. It appeared to have been predated on by a coyote. The next morning Finch and Wagner took a UTV to a different private property owner north of Creston just above the breaks of the Columbia River. This Sharp-tailed Grouse appeared to be moving, so staff members were looking for that grouse in company with other grouse. Finch and Wager walked for almost two hours looking for signs of grouse activity with no luck. It is possible for them to go back next week to check again.

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD): Wildlife Area Manager Dingman took the leftover flyers from the fair booths to the Last Resort. She organized for the CWD trailer to be returned to Spokane next week by Region 1 Safety Officer Moynahan. Dingman organized for an 11-yard dumpster to be placed at the Last Resort Campground during the general deer season for the public to dispose of the bones, hides, and animal parts that cannot leave Region 1. 

Bog Lemming Surveys: Wildlife Biologists Prince and Johnson conducted surveys this week for bog lemmings at two locations in District 1. Surveys include kneeling down, parting grass, and looking for tiny green rodent scat. The scat is then analyzed to species for DNA confirmation. 

Chronic Wasting Disease: Acting Private Lands Biologist Heitstuman relayed calls from the Washington Department of Transportation regarding roadkill to employees closet to the collection sites. Heitstuman met with local Washington State Department of Transportation Supervisors to secure the Clemans Site to use this fall on a short-term basis at no charge. 

Final Deer Survey: This week Finch and Wagner went on their last deer survey of the season running the same route but this time in reverse to check out the same areas at different times. This week the count was over 180 deer over a 78-mile route. There were a handful of white-tailed deer, but primarily mule deer. 

Deer: Biologists Lowe and Brinkman continued to conduct preseason road-based surveys in GMUs 124, 130, and 139 to collect deer herd composition data. The areas surveyed in September are similar to those in August but focused on collection of fawn-to-doe ratios to estimate fawn production. 

A small group of mule deer on a grassy hillside
Photo by WDFW
A small group of mule deer observed during a deer survey in Whitman County

Providing Recreation Opportunities

Hunter Access: Private Lands Supervisor Baarstad replaced signs on two Feel Free to Hunt properties totaling approximately 4,000 acres of hunting access in the Wilbur and Creston areas of Lincoln County. Baarstad met with Private Lands Biologist Braaten to pick up supplies needed for hunting access. Baarstad took five calls this week from landowners needing enforcement assistance and hunters with questions about a variety of hunting opportunity around the region. Baarstad and regional private lands staff members completed the hunter access information for the status and trend report and sent it to Private Lands Section Manger McCanna. 

Mentored Pheasant Hunt Clinic: Private Lands Biologist Nizer worked with Hunter Ed Coordinator Garcia to setup a mentored first pheasant hunting clinic on December 14th. Nizer was able to secure 60 to 80 pheasants for the clinic and kept certain properties off the reservation calendar so they will be available to the clinic. Nizer will coordinate where hunters can stay overnight for the clinic. 

Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Duck Blind: Private Lands Biologist Nizer met with the Inland Northwest Wildlife Council ADA Committee to install an ADA duck blind. The installation took about three hours and was installed on a hunt by reservation property.

Pelt seals/harvest inspections: Biologist Brinkman met with a hunter to inspect and seal a cougar taken in GMU 117 this week. Brinkman also inspected a mountain goat harvested by a youth hunter in Goat Rocks West. Biologist Lowe assisted a hunter with removing a tooth from a harvested bear. 

Biologist Brinkman collects data from a mountain goat harvested in the Goat Rocks West unit.
Photo by WDFW
Biologist Brinkman collects data from a mountain goat harvested in the Goat Rocks West unit. 

Providing Conflict Prevention and Education

Bull Elk Stuck in Elk Fence: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Wade responded to an afterhours report of a bull elk that had become entangled in an elk fence in the Bakers Pond area of Garfield County. Wade coordinated with the property owner to identify where the elk was located and to determine the best way to access the area. Wade and Sargent Mossman responded to the location and determined that the bull would need to be chemically immobilized to free it from the fence wire. Officer Mosman and Wildlife Conflict Specialist Wade, with the assistance with the property owner, were able to free the bull from its predicament. 

Two people using tools to cut debris out of the antlers of a sedated bull elk.
Photo by WDFW
Officer Mosman and Conflict Specialist Wade cutting a bull free from a fence.

Deer Removal: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Harris and Sergeant Leonetti responded to a report of a deer covered in papillomas (warts) in Spokane. Although they do not typically impact the animal's health, this deer had several papillomas covering its eyes, causing it to be partially blind. Staff members determined that humane euthanasia was necessary. The carcass was removed for proper disposal after a CWD sample was collected. 

Injured Moose: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) staff members responded to a report of an injured cow moose on Eastern Washington University’s campus. After a wildlife veterinarian assessed the animal’s injuries, staff members determined that euthanasia was necessary due to the severity of the injuries.

Antlerless moose lying down in a mowed grassy lawn
Photo by WDFW
Injured moose unable to bear weight on its hind leg .

“Injured” Crow: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Harris and Wildlife Biologist Brinkman responded to a report of an injured crow at a Spokane elementary school. Staff members reported that they observed the crow hoping around the playground and coming up to some of the students. After observing the crow fly, Brinkman and Harris determined that the crow was not actually injured, but instead habituated to people.

A person crouched down extending a hand toward a crow in a parking lot.
Photo by WDFW

Wildlife Conflict: Private Lands Biologist Nizer and Natural Resource Technician Nance responded to a moose conflict after calls from members of the public that were concerned about their safety. Nizer and Nance located three moose, (a cow, calf, and bull) that showed no fear of humans in a creek directly behind a row of homes. Nizer and Nance were able to haze the three moose from behind the homes and down the creek. 

Moose in brush.
Photo by WDFW

Conserving Natural Landscapes

Habitat Improvement: Natural Resource Technicians Nance and Rumiser disced a field on private land which will be seeded to improve wildlife habitat. 

A green tractor tilling a field
Photo by WDFW
Preparing a private access property to be planted with native grasses to promote wildlife habitat. 

Aeration Repair: This week Wildlife Area Manager Finch and Wildlife Area Assistant Manager Wagner worked on the aeration system, calling private contractor and aeration designer Wiley from the site to help troubleshoot the computer error that is preventing it from turning on. After testing and checking voltage it was determined by Private Contractor Wiley that more than likely the air compressor is froze up. Wagner pulled the compressor out of the box so it can be taken for repairs. Also, Private Contractor Wiley gave a contact number for the company that makes the compressor. Finch has been in contact with this company and will be working with their service department to come up repair or replacement for the compressor motor. Wildlife Area staff members also found out other maintenance tips that will help the compressor extend its life with regular service and maintenance. 

Providing Education and Outreach

Hunter Education: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Kolb assisted with a traditional hunter education class in Waitsburg. Sixteen students passed and were certified as hunter education graduates. 

Water Festival: This annual event, coordinated by the Lake Roosevelt Forum, brings several area elementary school classes to the Sherman Creek Hatchery, adjacent to Sherman Creek Wildlife Area, and the National Park Service marina at Kettle Falls. This year on September 17th and 18th, Sherman Creek Wildlife Area Natural Resource Technician Graves and Wildlife Area Manager Anderson hosted their customary station, titled “Who’s For Dinner,” at the hatchery. Visiting classes learned about upland predators and prey in northeast Washington, and how you can tell one from another by their physical features. The kids got to handle skulls, antlers, and pelts. 

WDFW staff member standing behind tables full of pelts, skulls and other outreach materials, holding a pair of elk antlers and posing for the camera
Photo by WDFW
Natural Resource Technician Graves preparing for Water Festival 2024 station “Who’s For Dinner” 

Washington State University Wildlife Techniques Lab: Conflict and Private Lands staff members from Region 1 assisted with the teaching of various techniques used to trap wildlife. Two different days were spent demonstrating some of the equipment utilized to deal with nuisance wildlife. Students assisted with setting up and deploying a 40- foot by 60-foot rocket net as well as shooting a net gun at a decoy. 

Conflict Supervisor Earl demonstrating how to use a net gun for WSU wildlife students
Photo by WDFW
Conflict Supervisor Earl demonstrating how to use a net gun for WSU wildlife students. 

Camp Wooten Group: Wildlife Area Manager Dingman and Natural Resource Technician Moberg spent Thursday teaching 6th graders at Camp Wooten ELC. Dingman and Moberg took hides, skulls, and antlers to the camp and talked about predators and prey. The talk went well and most of the students were very engaged. 

Conducting Business Operations and Policy

Drone Modification: The last few weeks Wildlife Area Manager Finch has been doing some research on what can be done to prevent bird attacks on drones. After doing plenty of research, Finch found that with the use of high red reflective tape, red propellers, and strobe lights, the chances of bird attacking went down considerably. The bird of prey now sees the drone as something outside of nature and will mostly likely stay away. Finch has lost one drone by a Red-tailed hawk and has had several episodes where birds of prey go after the drone in flight. Reflective tape, colored propellers and strobe lights are cheap insurance for the cost of the drone. The strobes lights are just another added safety feature as well.

Region 2 (North Central)

Managing Wildlife Populations

Deer Management: Biologists Dougherty and Clements are assisting Region 1 staff members with collecting Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) samples from hunters in District 5. Biologist Clements collected the first voluntary sample from a hunter at the beginning of September. Biologists sent out an information letter to permit holders for GMU 290 (Desert) encouraging hunters to set up a time to get a sample collected to aid in expanding the surveillance within the state.

Northern Leopard Frogs (NLF): District staff members released all of the NLFs that were reared at Oregon Zoo and Northwest Trek in August, and since then they have been conducting weekly visual encounter surveys (VES) at Columbia National Wildlife Refuge and north potholes. VES are used to count the number of frogs that staff members see around the pond as well as providing staff members the ability to capture and swab random frogs for disease, collect morphometric data, and more. Later this month a large and concerted effort will be conducted with several staff members to collect each frog encountered within the release site to gather more in depth data on each frog including snout-vent length, weight, swabbing for disease, and more. 

Waterfowl: Biologists Clements and Dougherty were able to make quick work of waterfowl banding this season and deployed 659 bands throughout the district in a total of 20 trapping days. Additionally, District Biologists are working to complete all the environmental compliance on several Washington State Waterfowl Habitat funded projects. 

Grebes: Biologists Dougherty and Clements teamed up to retrieve grebe nesting platforms that had been deployed on Banks Lake. These nesting platforms were deployed and covered in surrounding vegetation to encourage nesting and to avoid abandoned nests once water levels on Banks Lake began to fluctuate as the summer progressed. Biologist Dougherty reached out to various experts to determine any appropriate methodology for transmitter attachment to grebes in order to further mitigation efforts at Banks Lake.

Northern Bog Lemming Survey: The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Region 2 Diversity Biologists Turnock and Hara with Technician Force assisted Biologist Heinlen conducting surveys for the northern bog lemming (Synaptomys borealis) within District 6. This species is found only in subarctic climates from the northern tree line south into Washington, Idaho, Montana, Minnesota, and New England where it lives in wet meadows, fens and forests with moss or sedge understories. Due to these species-specific habitats, the total area occupied within Washington is thought to be relatively small. This species is identified as a Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) under the State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) with an assessment of a current lack of distribution data. These surveys will help fill in that distribution data gap.

Four people crouched down looking for things in tall foliage in a mountain clearing
Photo by WDFW
Northern Bog Lemming Survey, Rogers Lake 2024

Lynx Surveys: Biologists Fitkin and Heinlen and project volunteer members have retrieved most of the remote cameras deployed for lynx as part of the Cascades Carnivore Monitoring Project. Cameras continue to detect lynx in a few surveys cells and document a wider array of species across the whole survey grid. Final retrievals and data compilation will conclude next month.

Canada lynx walking down a gravel road
Photo by WDFW
Canada lynx.
Two coyotes walking in the forest
Photo by WDFW
Coyote pair.

Forest Grouse Management: Biologist Heinlen set out the five forest grouse wing collection barrels in Okanogan County in preparation for the forest grouse opener on September 15th. Grouse hunters can help WDFW manage these important species by depositing one wing and the tail of each grouse harvested into these collection barrels or by bringing them to the closest WDFW District or Regional office. More information can be found at: Forest grouse wing and tail collection | Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife.

Upland Hunting: District 5 staff members have assisted with releasing pheasants on various areas of the Columbia Basin Wildlife Area in preparation for the youth hunt weekend in eastern Washington.

Pheasant Release: Sinlahekin Wildlife Area Assistant Manager Riley assisted Biologist Heinlen release pheasants (PDF) for the youth hunt September 14-15, 2024. More information about the Eastern Washington Resident Game Bird seasons can be found on the WDFW website.

WDFW employee opening a cage on the back of a pickup truck, and seven pheasant roosters walking down a two track dirt road away from the truck
Photo by WDFW
Pheasant Release 2024.

Pheasant Release: Biologist Cook released pheasants at Chiliwist Unit and carried additional birds for release at other Okanagan County locations prior to the Youth Hunting season.

Providing Recreation Opportunities

Setting Up Hunter Registration Booths: To prepare for fall hunting, Wells Wildlife Area staff members have been updating and preparing the hunter registration booths and parking lots. These tasks included brushing off hunter registration booths, weed trimming parking lots, replacing any old signage, eradicating yellow jackets, removing trash, and restocking hunter registration cards.  

Swakane Shooting Range: The Swakane shooting range was cleaned up so that it is ready to be used once fire restrictions are no longer in place. 

Fire Restrictions for Public Notice: To better inform the public about fire restrictions, and hopefully prevent any incidents, new and larger signage is starting to go up around high traffic locations of the wildlife area.

Habitat Plots: Biologist Morris continued planning for his habitat project that will plant sagebrush and other shrubs in a shrubsteppe area affected by fire in 2017 to improve the habitat for mule deer, upland birds, and pygmy rabbits.

Providing Conflict Prevention and Education

Elk Issues: Specialist Heilhecker received several calls from landowners regarding elk damage to agricultural crops in GMU 204. Each landowner has an active damage prevention cooperative agreement and requested a kill permit. 

Deer Damaging Orchard: Specialist Heilhecker received a call from an orchardist near Orondo who was experiencing deer damage. The orchardist was interested in nonlethal techniques and possibly fencing materials. Since this area is outside Okanogan County, she gave the orchardist contact information for the area’s wildlife conflict specialist. 

Carcass Dumping: Specialist Heilhecker spoke with a Reporting Party (RP) regarding a butcher dumping remains on his neighbor’s property. The landowner believes the dump pile has attracted wolves and consequently the neighbor is then shooting wolves. Specialist Heilhecker loaned several cameras in an attempt for the RP to document wolf activity, since there are no collared wolves in the area. In the past month, the cameras have not captured any wolf photos. The reporting party remains concerned that the neighbor is creating a nuisance by attracting carnivores to the area.

Conserving Natural Landscapes

Weed Management: Wildlife area staff members have been conducting further herbicide sprays of rush skeleton weed on the Chelan Butte, where significant improvements over the last year have been made and controls of bull thistle where forest thinning has occurred. 

Irrigating Agricultural Fields: Wells Wildlife Area staff members have continued to focus on irrigating crop fields, which involves moving hand lines, setting up wheel lines, and monitoring and repairing pivots.  

Water Birch Enclosure Fence Work: Technicians Balderston and Garcia have been working to repair fences protecting water birch enclosures across the Sagebrush Flat Wildlife Area. Several fences were so severely damaged during the Pearl Hill fire that the remaining fence is being removed so a new more durable one can be put in its place. Managers and staff members are considering options for a longer-term solution that would require less consistent repair.  

Spraying Invasive Weeds: Wildlife area staff members have focused spraying efforts this month on houndstongue near headquarters and rush skeletonweed in the Sagebrush Flat Wildlife Are. Staff members noticed a reduction in the presence of both houndstongue and rush skeletonweed because of last year’s spray effort.

Preparation for BDA Installation and Maintenance: To prepare for Beaver Dam Analogs (BDA) installation, staff members have carefully mowed the area for easy access and trimmed weeds around piles of BDA posts and weaving material. The team will begin BDA work in September.  

Xerces Pollinator Plots Preparation: The office secured two habitat garden kits from the Xerces Society earlier this year, and in October staff members will pick up the kits and plant them on the Bridgeport Bar. To prepare for the planting, Technician D. Haney-Williamson and S. Balderston have flagged the site and are thinking through how irrigation will need to be set up and necessary site prep.  

Providing Education and Outreach

Coordination with USFWS: Specialist Heilhecker spoke with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service staff members regarding depredation investigations and meeting with producers in Okanogan County.

Grizzly Bear Meetings: Specialist Bridges attended three public meetings hosted by Chelan County Commissioners on Grizzly Bear Reintroduction efforts to take place in the North Cascades over the next 10 years. Specialist Heilhecker attended an internal grizzly bear management and conservation meeting


Vehicle Checklist: Staff members have been inventorying all motor pool and agency vehicles to ensure that each one has safety equipment.

Interviews for Natural Resource Technician in Training: We are in the process of recruiting new employees in the coming months.  

ATV/UTV Training: Staff members attended ATV and UTV training at the Methow Wildlife Area in July. All who attended successfully completed the course and received Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association certifications of completion. 

Found Bees in Big Bend: Managers Peterson and Blake came across a species of ground nesting bees while working in the Big Bend Wildlife Area. They reached out to Biologist Julie Combs who informed them that these bees are solitary bees in the Anthophora species, commonly known as Miner or Digger bees. Combs informed an expert who will attempt to ID at the species level.

New Employee: Assistant Wildlife Area Manager, Meierotto, has started this month and is learning the ropes.

Region 3 (South Central)

Providing Recreation Opportunities

Connell Hunt By Written Permission: Region 3 Private Lands Biologist Manderbach has been working with two landowners in Connell in Franklin County on a Hunt by Written Permission contract. Most of the land in this new contract had been in Feel Free to Hunt up until a few years ago, but due to large crowds and safety concerns the contract was not extended. The landowners still wanted to allow public access, so they agreed to Hunt by Written Permission to schedule hunts on the property and allow for safer opportunities for the public. Most of the property is Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) lands, with one large sagebrush patch and a few good draws, totaling over 2,000 acres of access. Signs have been posted in preparation of modern firearm deer season, and it should be active on the Private Lands website before the season starts.

Providing Conflict Prevention and Education

Wenas Wildlife Area – Durr Road Shooting Range: The Durr Road Shooting Range is finally complete! Construction of all phases for this project was finished at the end of September. The range includes a 100-yard rifle range, 25-yard pistol range, and shotgun range. The site was selected with input from the local community including the Wenas Target Shooting Advisory Committee. Several funding sources were used to make this happen including a Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) Firearms and Archery Range Recreation (FARR) Grant received and additional state funding. The site is now open to the public for target shooting from sunrise to sunset. The purpose of the project is to provide the public with a safe place to recreate that meets agencies standards and reduces the risk of wildfires with backstops and side berms in place. The public is still allowed to disperse shoot throughout the wildlife area if they are following WAC 220-500-140.

Outdoor shooting range
Photo by WDFW
100 Yard Rifle Range at the Durr Road Shooting Range.

Conserving Natural Landscapes

L.T. Murray Restoration: L.T. Murray Wildlife Area Assistant Manager Winegeart met with Yakama Nation archaeologists on site to discuss the continued restoration of the 6.8-acre Ragland fallow field. Winegeart’s assertion that pulling a seed drill over the field would not constitute soil disturbance was met with positive feedback. Hopefully, wildlife area staff members will be able to drill seed the entire field with native grasses this fall to provide soil stability and protect the sites archaeological integrity. The site is currently a dirt field that borders Taneum Creek at a successful Yakama Nation large, engineered log jam project site and needs to be converted into healthy habitat now. 

Oak Creek Wildlife Area - Reynolds Creek Fuels Reduction Project: Oak Creek Wildlife Area Assistant Manager Charlet put out to bid a 217-acre fuels reduction project within the Cowiche Unit of the Oak Creek Wildlife Area. This project aims to reduce the fuel load in this area and help to release Oregon white oak trees that are overcrowded with ponderosa pine trees and consequently have stunted oak growth. 

Mesa Lake Pacman Wetland Development: The Pacman Wetland development project with Ducks Unlimited is nearing the construction phase. In preparation to break ground in November, Sunnyside/Snake River Wildlife Area Assistant Manager Jahns mowed the site to improve visibility for project contractors and reduce fire hazard.

Sunnyside/Snake River Fall Wetland Preparation: Sunnyside/Snake River Wildlife Area staff members continue to prep wildlife area wetlands for reflooding this fall. To meet the wetland management goals of maintaining a 50:50 open water to vegetation ratio, staff members have been busy mowing wetlands in the Sunnyside Headquarters, Mesa Lake, and Windmill Ranch Units. 

Wenas Wildlife Area—Weed Control: Wenas Wildlife Area staff members have continued to focus on Russian and diffuse knapweed for weed control. Wenas staff members along with a Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) spray crew from the west side of the state have been focusing in the Roza Creek drainage for knapweed control.

Providing Education and Outreach

La Salle Intern Field-day: On September 27, several juniors and seniors from La Salle High School joined Statewide Waterfowl Specialist Wilson, District 8 Assistant Wildlife Biologist Wilson, and District 4 Assistant Wildlife Biologist Hoffman in the field to learn about the WDFW Wildlife Program, as well as common wildlife monitoring techniques. These included methods for trapping and banding game birds (e.g. doves and ducks), wing ID for common waterfowl species, aging techniques for bighorn sheep and carnivores, and an introduction to radio telemetry that concluded in students triangulating the location of a hidden radio-collar. La Salle students will be joining other WDFW programs throughout the fall to learn more about careers in conservation. 

A group of youth and WDFW employees gathered around while one employee shows the students examples of different duck feathers
Photo by WDFW
Statewide Waterfowl Specialist Wilson, and Assistant District 8 Biologist Wilson, show La Salle students how to use wing characteristics to differentiate ducks by species and sex.
Five people outside, two of them holding radio telemetry equipment
Photo by WDFW
La Salle students practice taking bearings with telemetry equipment to locate a radio transmitter.

Sacagawea Heritage Days: Natural Resources Technician Pizzini assisted with a table at the Sacagawea Heritage Days, partnering with Benton/Franklin Conservation District education staff members. Hundreds of elementary students from the area came through and participated in the seedball making booth. Seedballs made from compost, clay powder, water, and a mix of pollinator forb seeds were made and dispersed in an area at Sacagawea Park.

A large group of kids and some adults lining several long tables while working on a craft project outside.
Photo by WDFW
A full classroom of students focused intently on making wildflower seedballs at Sacagawea Heritage Days.
Multiple kids gathered around a table working on a craft project.
Photo by WDFW
A close up view of the seedball making process at Sacagawea Heritage Days. 


Oak Creek Wildlife Area – Retreat Fire Closure: The Retreat fire land closure, including sections of the Oak Creek Wildlife Area Oak Creek Unit impacted by fire, has been extended until October 23, 2024. A variety of public agencies are still assessing hazards within the fire perimeter. Due to current safety concerns, it is anticipated that closures will remain in effect through the winter.  

L.T. Murray Whiskey Dick Unit Roads: L.T. Murray Wildlife Area Manager Morrison and Assistant Manager Winegeart visited the Whiskey Dick Unit to look at the results of cloudburst that released enough water to wash trenches in the Cayuse and Jackknife Ridge roads. This has caused motorist to create trails around the washouts. Options for avoiding additional habitat damage due to road braiding and water erosion are being considered. 

Gravel road through a field with significant washout of rock in the foreground
Photo by WDFW
Alluvial fan from single water event.
Person standing next to a large trench in a dirt road
Photo by WDFW
Cloudburst event trenched Cayuse Rd.
Braiding Jackknife Ridge Road after cloudburst.
Photo by WDFW
Braiding Jackknife Ridge Road after cloudburst.

Wenas Wildlife Area—Wire Roller: Wenas Wildlife Natural Resource Technician Janes completed the construction of the wire roller that will be shared by wildlife areas in Region 3.

Wire roller equipment in machine shop
Photo by WDFW
The completed wire roller.

Sticker Burr Roller: Region 3 Private Lands Biologist Manderbach and Private Lands Natural Resources Technician Pizzini purchased a “Sticker Burr Roller” to help maintain private lands access parking areas and habitat plantings that have been overrun by puncturevine. The device has worked well so far and will be a great tool to have in addition to spring herbicide applications at the parking areas.

The Sticker Burr Roller device shown with a full tray of puncturevine seeds.
Photo by WDFW
The Sticker Burr Roller device shown with a full tray of puncturevine seeds (goat heads).

Region 4 (North Puget Sound)

Managing Wildlife Populations

Is it a bird, a plane, a monkey??? Not quite: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Biologist Anderson, at the request of Bat Specialist Tobin, retrieved a fruit bat species (yet to be identified) from Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). The bat, already deceased, was found at a local WSDOT rest area in south King County. Unfortunately, various non-native species, including bats, attempt to, or do, make it through customs at various ports (e.g. SeaTac International Airport, etc.). 

The very next week, after obtaining the bat specimen for further examination, a “monkey” was reported at the Boeing 737 plant in Renton. The “monkey” was found deceased in cargo received from Australia. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Wildlife Services called Anderson, relaying that Boeing was needing direction and that the deceased “monkey” needed removal. Several calls and emails were exchanged amongst WDFW, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Washington Department of Health, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife (USFWS). Anderson was then sent off to Boeing to obtain better pictures and to remove the animal.

Upon arrival, the deceased animal was quickly identified as “not a monkey” and determined to be a brush-tailed possum that had likely stowed away at the point of origin. This is a very common species that is known to do this now and then (like our native yellow-bellied marmots that can be quite good at hiding in vehicles and cargo). Anderson then worked with all entities to gain appropriate direction of removal, clean-up, and disposal.

Often, these non-native animals are coming through ports as an accidental stowaway, or may possibly be related to cultural practices. Luckily, port authorities and inspection services often catch these instances. In this case, both specimens were deceased and after initial examination and confirmation of animal species/type - no human health concerns were identified.

Please support captive bred exotic pets and similar captive wildlife situations, rather than harvest of wild stock for various legal and illegal markets.

Deceased fruit bat
Photo by WDFW
Deceased brush-tailed possum.
Photo by WDFW

Grouse Wing and Tail Collection Barrels: All Region 4 wildlife districts have deployed their annual grouse wing and tail collection barrels with the start of the grouse season on September 15th. The goal of this collection effort is to build estimated population trend datasets for each species to evaluate harvest changes. Other factors will also be evaluated, including wildfire and weather patterns that may contribute to changes in harvest and overall populations at the species level.

Providing Education and Outreach

Safety during hunting season on Lopez Island: Regional and WDFW enforcement staff members participated in a meeting with San Juan County Council, leadership representatives from local enforcement, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and San Juan County Land Bank (SJCLB). The purpose of the meeting was to discuss community concerns centered around deer hunting seasons. It was a productive conversation of information sharing and community engagement planning. The same group will be participating in a community meeting on Lopez Island on October 8th to answer questions and discuss hunting safety and values. 

Additionally, District 13 staff members are coordinating with the Master Hunter Program, BLM and SJCLB to build and deploy large orange kiosks at public hunting access trailheads. The kiosks will be used for storing sign-in/sign-out sheets for hunters, loaner hunter orange vests, and to serve as an indicator that hunting season has begun on the properties. This same group will also be staffing a hunting and recreation information booth during the early and late general deer seasons near the access area for BLM’s Chadwick Hill hunting area. Staff members hope these efforts will ease concerns about hunting on public lands in the community and garner support for maintaining or expanding local public hunting access to help achieve deer population reduction goals for this management zone.


Volunteer of the Year Award Adam Black: After missing the Region 4 awards ceremony because of a personal commitment, Adam Black was excited to finally receive the North Puget Sound Region’s Volunteer of the Year award! He was surprised and thankful for the recognition and reaffirmed his interest in supporting conservation and Department efforts well into the future.

Region 5 (Southwest)

Managing Wildlife Populations

Cave Scouting: Biologists Wickhem, Ott, Bergh, Holman, and Stephens, with the help of Volunteers Petrie and Roe, spent several days in September finding and marking cave entrances in Skamania and Klickitat counties. Many of these caves have not been surveyed in 20 to 30 years and the GPS locations are not entirely accurate. Also, it can be very difficult to locate cave entrances when the access points are found in large rocky sinks and/or the entrances are small. During scouting efforts, the GPS points were verified or corrected, photos were taken of the entrances, and entrances were flagged when necessary. The caves will be revisited this winter, when the entrances can be even harder to locate under several feet of snow.

The goal of the winter surveys is to document the number and species of hibernating bats in each cave. Townsend’s big-eared bats (Corynorhinus townsendii), one target of the surveys, are a Washington Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SCGN) and are a “subterranean-obligate species” meaning they rely on caves or mines to roost and hibernate. The surveys will also search for hibernating Myotis species and swab them for Pd (Pseudogymnoascus destructans), the fungus that causes white-nose syndrome in bats.

collapsed lava tube, that contains a cave entrance.
Photo by WDFW
A large “sink,” or collapsed lava tube, that contains a cave entrance. 
WDFW employee in the woods posing for a photo while holding a clipboard.
Photo by WDFW
Biologist Ott in a sink, taking notes on a cave entrance.
WDFW employee in a cave entrance.
Photo by WDFW
Biologist Ott in a smaller, hard to find cave entrance.
WDFW employee standing near a cave opening, looking down.
Photo by WDFW
Biologist Holman, calculating his descent.
An especially mossy Skamania County Cave entrance.
Photo by WDFW
An especially mossy Skamania County Cave entrance.

Pika Scat Collection: Biologists Wickhem and Ott spent several hours scouring the mossy talus at a known pika site in Skamania County this month. The goal was to find and collect pika scat that will be sent to two different researchers; one in Michigan who will analyze the poo for genetic markers, and another in Colorado who will test the pellets for cortisol to assess stress levels of pikas living in these unique habitats. Other researchers and volunteer members are collecting scat throughout the Columbia River Gorge this fall. Pikas in the Gorge are the only known American pika (Ochotona princeps) population to live near sea level – most pikas in North America inhabit high alpine habitats where they can escape the summer heat. Gorge pikas can stay cool in the summer and fed in the winter thanks to the thick carpets of moss that often cover the talus slopes in these areas. Since the moss is available year-round, they also do not need to collect “haypiles” (piles of harvested vegetation to feed on during the winter months), which can save them a tremendous amount of energy.

WDFW employee standing on a rocky hillside posing for a photo.
Photo by WDFW
Biologist Ott, very excited to be hunting for pika poo.
A small pile of round pika droppings in a rocky crevice.
Photo by WDFW
A pika “latrine” where they deposit their peppercorn-sized pellets.

Providing Recreation Opportunities

Graffiti Abatement: Access area staff members took advantage of the warmer weather to paint over graffiti on the exterior walls of several restrooms. When painting large areas like this, unfortunately for access staff members, it requires a continual presence on site to ensure that the paint is dry before leaving. With any luck, the walls will stay graffiti free for a while. 

Graffiti on building.
Photo by WDFW
Modrow Before.
Closeup of side of building
Photo by WDFW
Modrow after.
Vault toilet in a gravel parking lot with blue graffiti on it
Photo by WDFW
Shillapoo Before.
A vault toilet at a gravel parking lol
Photo by WDFW
Shillapoo After.