The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife produces hundreds of documents annually, outlining fish, wildlife, and lands management, scientific research, guidance for homeowners, local governments, and contractors, harvest summaries, and other materials.
Nearshore Birds in Puget Sound
Joseph B. Buchanan (2006)
Historic Characterization of WRIA9 Shoreline Landforms
Jessemine Fung and Chris Davis (2005)
Guiding Restoration Principles
Fred Goetz, Curtis Tanner, Charles Simenstad, Kurt Fresh, Tom Mumford, and Miles Logsdon (2004)
Guidance for Protection and Restoration of the Nearshore Ecosystems of Puget Sound
Fresh, K., C. Simenstad, J. Brennan, M. Dethier, G. Gelfenbaum, F. Goetz, M. Logsdon, D. Myers, T. Mumford, J. Newton, H. Shipman, C. Tanner (2004)
Application of "Best Available Science" in Ecosystem Restoration: Lessons Learned from Large-Scale Restoration Efforts in the USA
F. Brie Van Cleve, Charles Simenstad, Fred Goetz, and Tom Mumford (2004)