Puget Sound Recreational Crab and Shrimp Advisory Committee

WDFW is accepting applications for the 2025-2027 Puget Sound Recreational Crab and Shrimp Advisory Committee through February 3, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.  To submit your application, complete this electronic form prior to the deadline. 

Alternatively, applicants can send an email to don.velasquez@dfw.wa.gov and request a Microsoft Word version of the application form.  Completed forms may be submitted via email to Don Velasquez at don.velasquez@dfw.wa.gov or by mail Attn: Crustacean Manager, 375 Hudson St., Port Townsend, WA 98368

The Puget Sound Recreational Crab and Shrimp Advisory Committee (RCSAC) provides a forum for discussion of issues relevant to the recreational crab and shrimp fisheries within Puget Sound. This committee is comprised of 10-12 members who represent the recreational community in various areas within Puget Sound. Formerly two separate advisory committees for crab and shrimp, the combined committee was formed in 2018. 

The RCSAC does not create rules or policies although the committee can have a significant impact on the management of Puget Sound crab and shrimp resources. This group provides insight, recommendations and advice to the Puget Sound crustacean program staff regarding policy changes, management actions, harvest seasons, regulations, education and outreach opportunities and stakeholder communications. Members of the advisory committee usually meet twice a year, with the possibility of additional calls or meetings.

The expectations for committee members are:

  • Attend advisory group meetings and participate in conference calls;
  • Provide advice to the Department on agency proposed regulations, policies, and management plans;
  • Communicate stakeholder opinions, attitudes, and needs to the agency;
  • Identify areas of concern and recommend change;
  • Keep up-to-date on issues and regulations affecting crab and shrimp fisheries;
  • Keep the Department advised on current trends and developments;
  • Provide advice regarding enforcement and regulatory compliance issues;
  • Assist the Department in developing communication strategies and communicating with members of the public;
  • Be respectful and carefully consider the views of others.

At the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, we celebrate diverse individuals who bring a wide range of perspectives. All are welcome to participate in our processes regardless of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, status as a veteran, and basis of disability.

Mission statement

Assist WDFW by providing advice on meeting the management objectives set by the Fish and Wildlife Commission in Policy C-3609 (Puget Sound Crab Fishery) and Policy C-3610 (Puget Sound Shrimp Fishery) 

Meeting calendar

Agendas will be available approximately one week prior to the next meeting.